Mark of the Beast

The Mark of the Beast has been used as a bogeyman to scare people and create fantastical stories that have made some Christians very rich. I hope to provide clarity of what the Mark of the Beast is, or is likely to be.

Firstly, the reader should be aware that the Mark is pushed on people via a deception. It is not a symbol of loyalty, despite the worship of the Beast (explained later in the post).

He deceived those who accepted the mark of the beast

Revelation 19:20

The Reader will benefit from understanding the Beasts in Revelation 13: the Sea Beast, then the Earth Beast, and finally the Image Beast.

What does the text say?

ā€œAnd it [the Earth/Image Beasts] makes everyoneā€”small and great, rich and poor, free and slaveā€”to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, 17 so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark: the beastā€™s name or the number of its name.ā€

Revelation 13:16-17

ā€œreceiveā€ meaning ā€œto give one somethingā€, ā€œto bestow a giftā€

ā€œMarkā€ in the Greek is ā€œengravingā€ 1, ā€œscratch or etching or brandingā€ 2. The word is Ļ‡Ī¬ĻĪ±Ī³Ī¼Ī± (chĆ”ragma) which comes from Ļ‡Ī¬ĻĪ±Ī¾ (chĆ”rax) which means to sharpen to a point, a stake, or palisade.

Fortified Palisade Wall (Age of Empires II) | Age of Empires Series Wiki |  Fandom

The Biblical text suggests in all likelihood, the Mark is something that goes into you, assuming this is a somewhat literal event, even if Ļ‡Ī¬ĻĪ±Ī³Ī¼Ī± may not be literal.

Potential sources of Marks

There are only 3 things that are put into your body that can be considered a mark:


While plausible: they are strongly connected to buying and selling and personal identity verification. However, there are some things that make it doubtful that it is an implant:

  • They are very expensive, and cost prohibitive to roll out which includes the method of delivery, the implant, the reader/scanner of the implant, the communications technology necessary to connect.
  • They are almost redundant. Biometric computing (e.g., facial recognition, remote retina scans, fingerprints, bioelectric analysis, breath analysis, etc), has made implants almost completely unnecessary.
  • they are historically connected to submission to the Image Beast. Implants are incredibly obvious and millions of Christians, Jews and Muslims will refuse.
  • The adverse reactions to the Mark in Revelation 16:2, is unlikely an implant. Implants are inert, meaning they are non-reactive with body tissue.


Also possible. There are applications of them with UV detectable tattoos to provide identification of an individual, including which vaccine theyā€™ve had, or when, or to provide security clearances. This too has some aspects that make this doubtful that it would be widespread.

  1. The cost of implementation is low, however there are millions of Christians, Jews, and Muslims who will refuse a tattoo for any reason, even if itā€™s not visible to the human eye.
  2. as with implants, they are virtually redundant. Biometric computing is faster, more reliable and less prone to fraud, and cheaper.
  3. tattoos are unlikely to produce adverse reactions of Revelation 16:2.
  4. tattoos are unlikely to cause an economic collapse per Revelation 18:23


Injections are the most likely, especially if associated with a vaccine.

  1. they are readily accepted practice around the world and will have minimal resistance as people already credit vaccines with the salvation of many.
  2. they are given freely as a “gift”
  3. it is promoted as doing something good to protect/love your neighbour; you are a good citizen if you are a vaccinated citizen.
  4. vaccines can produce adverse reactions although this is likely denied or covered up by the Image Beast. It may well be an open secret.
  5. The economic collapse of Babylon is caused by a pharmaceutical deception Revelation 18:23 – ā€œAll this will happen because your merchants were the nobility of the earth, because all the nations were deceived by your pharmakeia.ā€ While not proven to be from a vaccination, it demonstrates there are two closely connected medical deceptions (the adverse reactions of Revelation 16:2, and an economic collapse caused by pharmaceutical deception).

Forehead or Right Hand?

“On” or “in”?

The Greek word used here is, į¼Ļ€į½¶ (epi), and can mean “on” and “in”3. It is translated as “on” 196 times in the New Testament, and “in” 120 times, and “upon” 159 times. Perhaps, since there are two locations and different forms, it could be either, or both. It is possible that this is a two-part mark, perhaps because of roll-out challenges or conscientious objections to one method.

Right hand

The Greek does not say, “right hand”, it merely says “right” (Ī“ĪµĪ¾Ī¹į¾¶Ļ‚ – dexios). It does not use Ļ‡Ī­ĻĪ¹, which means ā€œhandā€. However, dexios can mean right hand metaphorically and literally, but it can mean a place of honour or power or more commonly ā€˜right sideā€™. To give oneā€™s right hand is a sign of pledge or sincerity or submission. ā€œWhen James, Cephas, and Johnā€”those recognized as pillarsā€”acknowledged the grace that had been given to me, they gave the right hand [dexios] of fellowship to me and Barnabas, ā€¦ā€ – Galatians 2:9.

Thus, the understanding here should be that the Mark can go in the hand or arm, it does not need to be literally the right arm. It can also be held in the hand.


For many people, this word, in English, has lead to the belief that it is a religious symbol, not unlike the Hindu ‘bindi’ 4.

The Greek word used here is metōpon (Ī¼Ī­Ļ„Ļ‰Ļ€Ļ‰Ī½, Ī¼Ī­Ļ„Ļ‰Ļ€ĪæĪ½), which, literally means ‘about/around the face’. 5 and is frequently translated elsewhere, as ‘front’, not forehead.

Ī¼Ī­Ļ„Ļ‰Ļ€Ļ‰Ī½ – metopon = on/about the face

It is worth noting that there is nothing in Revelationā€™s text that specifies the actual forehead as distinct from the face or the front. Vineā€™s Expository Dictionary says it only appears in Revelation as ā€˜foreheadā€™. In fact, in almost all non-biblical translators translate this as ā€˜frontā€™. ā€œFrontā€ or ā€œFaceā€ does not exclude the forehead as a location of the mark, but we should not take the translation of ā€˜foreheadā€™ literally, when the original Greek doesnā€™t necessarily mean ā€˜foreheadā€™, and thatā€™s before considering whether this is literal, or metaphorical.

Putting all this together:

The Mark is likely into your skin/body, possibly in two locations in two forms, and the preferred locations on your body are your ā€œrightā€ and your ā€œfrontā€.

Name, Image and Number

Revelation 13:18 indicates that the Mark is encoded in some way.

18 This calls for wisdom: Let the one who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, because it is the number of a person. Its number is 666.

Revelation 13

It is the number of ā€˜aā€™ man not ā€˜theā€™ man. In Greek it is the indefinite ā€˜aā€™ but in English ā€˜aā€™ can refer to a specific person. The Greek makes it indefinite, meaning it is not a specific person. Most logically, it is a ā€œnumberā€ that belongs to the recipient of the Mark, like a driverā€™s licence.  It is your name, image and number, but it is the governmentā€™s licence. Thus the mark is from or belongs to the Image Beast, but is your name, your image, your number.


There are many who believe the 666 is significant. The idea that the bar-code is 666, has been around for a long time. It is true that the original bar-code did have 666 encoded.

However, the now ubiquitous QR code also has 666, encoded in it. Each black square is an alternating sequence of 6 dark and light areas. There are 3 on each QR code to provide orientation for the scanner.

I have strong doubts than any visible ā€˜666ā€™ will appear on any ā€˜Mark of the Beastā€™. Mostly because I think Scripture makes it clear that this is a time of great deception and it is a big give-away if there is a literal ā€˜666ā€™ on your face or in your hand. It is likely there is an actual number in code form because Revelation 13:18 says that we are to ā€˜count/computeā€™ or ā€˜reckonā€™ his number. Therefore, whatever number there is, itā€™ll require a calculation. QR codes are a perfect example of this. QR codes on your business door to ā€œcheck-inā€ for COVID, or QR codes on your vaccine ā€œpassportā€. People received the mark, and they received the name, image, and number certifying their receipt of the mark. And this was required for entry to stores, to keep jobs, and in some countries to buy the basic necessities of life.

Other understandings of 666

Other, more symbolic and even allegorical interpretations. Walid Shoebat has argued that the ā€˜666ā€™ (Ļ‡Ī¾Ļ‚ – khee xee stig’-ma) is tilted and actually an arabic script. Note that the Greek does NOT say six hundred, three score, and six. It is written the way we would write ā€˜666ā€™ in English. The X (Ļ‡ – stigā€™-ma) is no longer used in Greek. Shoebat argues that in Arabic (which wasnā€™t a script at the time of John the Baptist) means ā€œin the name of Allahā€. Very early manuscripts had additional notation above the ā€˜666ā€™, and bears a striking resemblance to the bismillah complete with crossed swords on many Islamic banners today.

Muslims happily wear this on their armbands, bandanas, proudly declaring their allegiance to Allah.

I cannot subscribe to the idea that the mark is purely allegorical or even symbolic descriptions of a spiritual state of affairs. As with almost all prophecy, it will be grounded in some physical reality, but like John the Baptist was not literally Elijah, we are unlikely to see a literal ā€˜666ā€™ or a literal ā€˜name of the beastā€™. Hence Godā€™s injunction to discern have have understanding.

You cannot buy or sell without the mark

Not an absolute prohibition

Christians often believe this is literal and absolute: you cannot by ANYTHING AT ALL for ANY PRICE. This is not typically how prophecy is seen after the fact. For example, earlier in Revelation 13 we are told that if we do not worship the Sea Beast, we will be killed. However, in the very next verse, we are told that people will be killed, some taken captive, meaning that an absolute literal interpretation of the previous verse is not possible. Most prophecy is like this. God said that Israelā€™s maidens would be raped and the young men slaughtered(Isaiah 13:16; Zechariah 14:2). But this did not happen to all, and some doubt it even happened to a majority of Jews. Elijah was promised before the coming of the Messiah (Malachi 4:5-6), yet we got John the Baptist.

A more likely interpretation consistent with how other prophecy has been fulfilled is that people who refuse will lose their jobs, businesses canā€™t operate, they will be refused in many, many places the ability to buy or sell. Whether that exists until the return of Christ is unclear from Scripture, however I believe there are indications that point to it not being a permanent feature.

If you recall at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. You were not allowed into stores without the masks, you couldn’t do the grocery shopping without the mask. Then QR codes were added, for “contact tracing” purposes. Then lockdowns. People were so tired of being locked down, that did not realise they had been primed to accept the vaccine in order to be allowed into society, to travel, to buy and sell.

Around the world, governments said that it would be a “vaccinated economy”6. If you wanted to participate, you would need to be vaccinated.

Not a permanent feature in society

There is nothing in Revelation that says this is an absolute ban on buying or selling, or that the Mark becomes a permanent fixture in society. In fact, since Revelation 16:2 describes adverse reactions to the Mark (although the Beast probably won’t admit it) and Revelation 18:23 describes the economic collapse that comes from a pharmaceutical deception, it is more likely a temporary measure and will be wound back as the adverse reactions increase or the strain on the economy increases.

Many examples

Combining the masks, vaccine, vaccine passports with your name, image and number) and QR codes which are literally carried in your hand, this passage can clearly be claimed as fulfilled.

But the mark was about worship of the beastā€¦

Technically no, they were about submission to the Beast, but there is no evidence that they were an act of worship in and of themselves. To keep it simple, most Christians think worship is about hymns, bowing down, prayers etc. Bear in mind, that we made this Image Beast (Revelation 13:14). Worship is significantly more and less than ā€œChristianā€ worship.

 It was permitted to give breath to the image of the beast, so that the image of the beast could both speak and cause whoever would not worship the image of the beast to be killed.

Revelation 13:15

We firstly know that this is not an absolutism, not everyone, or even the majority who do not worship will be killed. What is worship? Christians are inclined to think worship of the beast will have elements of Christian worship such as songs and praises, hymns, and church services. But worship is far, far broader than that.

Christians talk about idols of the heart: ourselves, money, work, spouses, children, sports, children. But for some reason, we do not connect the worship of those things to the worship of the beast. So perhaps some more concrete examples of a life lived in worship:

Examples of Christian Worship

  • Telling a someone to not blaspheme or to not swear, curse, or take the name of the Lord in vain, is an act of worship.
  • Telling someone of the love of God and of salvation offered through his Son, is an act of worship.
  • Refuting arguments and knowledge against the Gospel is an act of worship.
  • Wearing a cross or modifying what you wear, is an act of worship.
  • Obedience to Scriptural commands and wishes are acts of worship.
  • Following out commands of discipline within the church and advocating for Biblical discipline
  • Giving God honour and glory for the blessings in your life, and trusting in his providence to see you through difficult times.

Examples of Beast worship

  • Rebuking those who make memes or denounce a leader, system, mark, vaccine, is an act of worship
  • Advocating that they participate in the system, take a mark or vaccine, out of ā€œlove thy neighbourā€ is an act of worship.
  • Refuting arguments and knowledge against the mark/system/vaccine/leader, is an act of worship.
  • Wearing a badge to declare allegiance for a system/leader/mark/vaccine is an act of worship
  • Obedience to commands from leaders (especially over and against commands of God), even where they unjustly oppress those who disagree.
  • Follow and/or advocate for the punishment or exclusion of those who do not follow or accept the system/leader/mark/vaccine.
  • Giving honour/credit to the leader/system/mark/vaccine rather than to God & trusting the leader/system/mark/vaccine, rather than God to see you through difficult times.
  • Trust the Science

For those of us who are not worshipping as the above examples, perhaps a reminder that worship need not be voluntary, nor heart-felt, nor rational.

Jesus says that many people worship God with their lips but their hearts are far from Him (Matt 5:18; Isa 29:13). Going through the motions, and participating, is worship, regardless of whether it is genuinely held, is still worship. So, firing those who donā€™t agree with the system/leader/mark/vaccine because thatā€™s what the system demands, is an act of worship, albeit reluctantly.

Nebuchadnezzar is a perfect illustration. In Daniel 3, he had a statue made of himself, and required that everyone, great and small, bow down and worship the statue. Those who refused were to be cast in a furnace. It is reasonable to believe that a large number of people who bowed down did so out of fear, rather than of genuine adoration.

When Jesus returns and conquers his foes, as God promises, every knee will bow, and every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord (Isaiah 45:23; Romans 14:11; Philippians 2:11). The vast majority will honour Jesus under duress.

When Aaron made the golden calf and announced to Israel that the calf brought them out of Egypt. Did the Israelites literally believe that this golden calf they had just made brought them out of Egypt? No. But, they gave credit to the calf, rather than the Lord who brought them out. 

King Asa who sought physicians rather than the Lord (2 Chronicles 16:12). If there were a pandemic, and a vaccine was brought in and the pandemic ended. To whom would we give credit to? God? Or the vaccine and those who brought the vaccine to us?

Sometimes, people donā€™t realise that they are actually worshipping what they worship. Perhaps they donā€™t realise that they worship their job, money, sports? Perhaps they even deny that they worship Mary or Mohammad or some other idol. But by looking at the table above, it can be easily seen that through the traits of a life of worship, that Catholics and Muslims do worship Mary and Mohammad, even though they deny it.

A key method of identifying whether an object is worshipped is to criticize it.  In todayā€™s circumstances, to oppose the vaccine or the leaders, is to face a barrage of criticism, punishment, ostracism. That bears all the marks of worship. We face an unprecedented media campaign promoting the vaccine and vaccine passports and silencing critics. The validity of the criticism is irrelevant because it may cause people to not take the mark/vaccine/passport whole-heartedly.  Thatā€™s sufficient grounds in todayā€™s worship of the beast to silence and punish critics.

Over at Caldron Pool, The Worshipers of the Vax: The Rise of a New Idol, and The Worshipers of the Vax: The Rise of a New Global Religion, author Giuliano Bordoni has also likened the daily sermons and propaganda to worship.

What more evidence is required?

The above explanation will not suffice for some. Would countless videos of songs and dance praising vaccines, scientists etc help identify this worship? There were thousands and thousands.

Would daily sermons from public figures on placing our faith in scientists, leaders, various organisations, media personalities, vaccines help? People were glued to their televisions learning how to be a good citizen and how the unenlightened shall be banished. Would ubiquitous signage demanding that you must have had the chĆ”ragma for entry to a store or a job suffice? Hundreds of thousands of Christians, if not millions, lost their livelihoods and could not buy or sell. Many leaders around the world specifically said ā€œit will be a vaccinated economyā€, and ā€œyou have to be vaccinated to have a job or go outside.ā€ People were assaulted who did not mask up or get vaccinated. People who refused were even kicked out of Churches.

Article after article cited that Christians, specifically evangelicals, were the largest obstacle to the vaccine rollout.7 Are Christians naturally more stupid than the average person, or is the Spirit of God at work?

Beheaded and killed for not getting the mark

Revelation 20:4 is the only passage that some have interpreted as being beheaded for not receiving the mark of the beast.

Then I saw thrones, and people seated on them who were given authority to judge. I also saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony about Jesus and because of the word of God, who had not worshipped the beast or his image, and who had not accepted the mark on their foreheads or their hands. They came to life and reigned with Christ for a thousand years.

Revelation 20:4

Parsed correctly, this is talking about ALL the saints who have died throughout history, not merely those who have died in Tribulation or at the hands of the Beast. The Greek does not have commas the way English does. They are souls who had been beheaded, souls who were faithful to the word of God, souls who had not worshipped the beast, souls who had not worshipped itā€™s image, and souls who had not received the mark. All these groups of saints came alive, and reigned with Christ.

Killed for not worshipping the Image of the Beast

As explained in previous posts, the Image Beast demands homage. Originally the Image Beast was created to promote Islam, the religion of the Sea Beast. We created it with funding from government and created mass media campaigns, interfaith dialogues, and social media. The governments invested billions to have the media (image beast) promote Islam and have everyone respect and tolerate Islam.

It was permitted to give breath to the image of the beast, so that the image of the beast could both speak and cause whoever would not worship the image of the beast to be killed.

Revelation 13:15

This occurs before the Mark of the Beast is introduced (v.16) and describes exactly what happened for those who did not promote the correct version of Islam. Read the chapters on the Sea Beast, and the Earth Beast for more details.

Adverse Reactions from the Mark of the Beast

I have written extensively on the adverse reactions to the Mark of the Beast that commence in Revelation 16 starting with the 1st Bowl of Wrath.

Key take-away:

Revelation 13 describes the Mark of the Beast as being a combination of things:

  1. front or hand
  2. coded – name, image and number
  3. masks, vaccine, QR codes, and vaccine passports are

This was fulfilled with masks, vaccines, QR codes and vaccine passports. We were stopped from buying or selling without masks, or QR check-in codes, and when the vaccines came at the end of lockdowns, people were desperate to take the mRNA modifying and DNA modifying pharmaceutical agent, so they could participate in the vaccinated economy, buying, selling, travelling.

If you have taken the Mark of the Beast, you must repent. Being deceived is no excuse for repentance. That excuse didn’t work for Eve, and it won’t work for you. Eve wanted knowledge of the truth, of good and evil. If you don’t believe you can repent, I encourage you to read the next page on repentance.


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  5. (‘meta’ – with/about/among/around; and ‘ops’ – face).