Why Rome is NOT the Whore of Babylon

Here we examine the descriptions of the Whore of Babylon as described in Revelation 14, 17 and 18. We examine the main contenders for the title, and eventually conclude that Rome, despite some historical evidence, has never met the criteria established in Revelation.

The Vatican has long been touted as the Whore of Babylon. This has been advocated for hundreds of years. Can the Biblical descriptions of the Whore be be legitimately applied to the Roman Catholic Church.

UPDATE: If you wish to see the evidence that Jerusalem is the Whore, click here:

Almost no one considers the Whore of Babylon to literally be Babylon rebuilt. Although actual Babylon met the criteria in times past, it is excluded as a candidate if it does not meet the criteria at the time the prophecy is to be fulfilled. We must not hold on to past possible candidates that no longer meet the requirements, or when a more suitable candidate is identified. In this case, the candidate must meet the criteria when the events take place, and immediately before the return of Christ.

Misidentifying the Whore is serious, especially since God commands us to flee from the Whore, so we do not partake in her judgements.

Here is a non-exhaustive list of qualities of the Whore of Babylon in no particular order:

  1. She is a whore.
  2. The Kings of the earth have committed sexual immorality with her (Rev 17:2; 18:3)
  3. Inhabitants of the earth made drunk with the wine of her fornication (Rev 17:3 19:2; 18:3)
  4. Sits on many waters (Rev 17:1, 15)
  5. Sits on 7 hills/peaks/mountains (Rev 17:9)
  6. It is a great city/state. (Rev 16:19; 17:18; 18:10,16,18,19,21);
  7. Is a great city/state that reigns over the kings of the earth (Rev 17:18)
  8. Merchants have become rich through her (Rev 18:3,11,15,17)
  9. She has great merchants who rule the earth (Rev 18:23)
  10. Has a lot of entertainment and industry (Rev 18:22)
  11. Hated by the kings without a kingdom (Rev 17:16)
  12. Merchants around the world will stand far off and weep (Rev 18:17-20)
  13. There are genuine Christians in her (Rev 18:4)
  14. Dressed in purple and scarlet (Rev 17:4)
  15. Luxurious living (Rev 18:3, 7, 12-14,16)
  16. Drunk with the blood of the Saints (Rev 17:6)
  17. Cause of death of all the saints, and all those who dwell on the earth (Rev 18:24)
  18. Rides the Beast. (Rev 17:3,9)
  19. Is hated by the Beast (Rev 17:16)

Whew, what a list!

Exhortation to flee the Whore

Revelation 18:4 commands believers to flee, and escape from out of the Whore, so that they don’t participate in her sins, and don’t receive any of the judgements about to come.

Then I heard another voice from heaven:

Come out of her, my people,
so that you will not share in her sins
or receive any of her plagues.

Revelation 18

Undeniably, there must be genuine saints in the Whore. The saints are NOT called to reform her, or “take her back for Christ”; they are told to flee; to leave. Uproot your life and flee just as Lot did with Sodom and Gomorrah.

This begs the question: are there genuine saints in the Roman Catholic Church (RCC)? Of course Catholics can become Christians, and the natural response of a Christian is to leave the Catholic church (due to the abundance of her abominations and heresies), as some will argue, clear fulfilment of Revelation 18:4. However, this command was issued at a specific time the conclusion of Revelation, while the Roman Catholic Church has existed for 1500+ years. Note in verse 5, that these sins have been piling up for some time, and it is only now they are told to flee, presumably because the Whore gets worse and worse. So why now? Why immediately before Christ’s judgement on the Whore? Were they not to flee before? If the Roman Catholic Church has been the Whore all this time, why issue the command after so long? How can many genuine Christians remain in an apostate church for long? If the Whore is perpetrating spiritual idolatry, why is there no similar exhortation for saints to flee the Beast nation? In my opinion, it is more akin to saints living in Sodom and Gomorrah, told to flee.

Consider if the USA is the Whore. She had a good Biblical foundation & the faith has been declared in her for centuries. In recent decades, the idolatry and heresy coming from the USA is unbounded. In fact, in the last 100 years, there is scarcely a heresy or abomination in churches around the world that have not come from the USA. Add to that, the increasing sexual perversion that is prevalent in the country, and more and more churches are supporting such perversion.

There are genuine Christians in the USA, some of whom are being influenced by the sexual perversion under the twisted concept of “love”. An exhortation to flee from this Whore is very understandable to be issued at this time, rather than 1500+ years into the whoredom.

While the exhortation could be meant to include any form of idolatry, the Whore occupies a particular period of history in a particular space. On balance, the Roman Catholic Church is less likely fulfilment than the United States.

Rides the Beast & Hated by the Beast

The description in Revelation 17 of the Beast is identical to the Sea Beast of Revelation 13, except it is now scarlet, so we know that the Beast spoken of here is Islam (read the chapter on the Sea Beast for more details).

And whether it is the Roman Catholic Church, or the USA, which some Islamic leaders have called, ‘the Great Satan’1 and from whom chants of “death to America” are common, we can be sure that Islam hates them both.

But Scripture says that the Whore rides the Beast (Rev 17:3, 7). To “ride a beast” describes a process of “taming”, dominating (or forcing submission), and control. The Whore does this to Islam. While the Crusades were a time of great trouble for Islam, they were in response to several centuries of Islamic aggression. Apart from the 1st crusade, the rest were largely failures. As a result, the Roman Catholic Church could not really be said to “ride or tame the Beast”. On the other hand, Islam sacked Rome 3 times; it conquered Spain for 700 years; it terrorised southern Europe for over a millennia; it conquered all of Christian north Africa; and it defeated the Holy Roman Empire in Constantinople in 1453. It is difficult to understand how the RCC can be said to ‘ride’ Islam, even symbolically.

The USA however can very much be described as riding the beast. The USA dominates the Middle East with a massive military force. Ever since President Jefferson, within weeks of being elected and declaring war on Islamic slave traders, the USA has dominated and controlled the Middle East, primarily for oil. It has united nations around the world for many wars to punish it for perceived offences, especially since Islam lost its Caliph. SaudiAramCo (Arab-American) is the largest oil producer in the middle east, and it is owned by America jointly with the Saudi Royal family. The USA exerts pressure and influence across the Islamic world, like no other area or group, and does it for money and oil.

The description of the Sea Beast in Revelation 13 makes no mention of its colour. It is only in Revelation 17 that we’re told it’s scarlet. While this is speculation on my part, I suspect that is because it was not scarlet previously, but between having the fatal wound and yet surviving, and the Whore’s ascendancy, it became coloured. Since Islam lost the caliphate in 1923, but still continued, the new influence is likely to have been introduced after that time. In my thinking, it is the influence of the “Kings of the East” who eventually come across/to the Euphrates in Revelation 16. This is likely to be none other than China. China is buying significant influence in the middles east and forming alliances with the Middle East against the USA. There is no comparable meaning that I could find in the significance of the revelation of the new colour of the beast and the Roman Catholic Church.

Drunk with the Blood of the Saints & the cause of the death of all those who dwell on the Earth (Rev 17:6; 18:24)

There are two related issues here: (a) the death of the saints, and (b) the death of all those who dwell on the Earth. Are these deaths spiritual/symbolic or literal?

I offer an important side note. For all its ills, the Catholic church has gone to great lengths to rescue Christians suffering from persecution from Muslims. The Reconquista, and the Crusades, are just two examples of the great lengths the Catholic church has gone to protect Christians over many centuries. This does not excuse other wrongs, but this must be remembered when understanding these passages.

In a spiritual sense, it might be argued that the RCC has promoted blasphemy and idolatry on a grand scale, and so caused the spiritual “deaths” of many people. But that’s way fewer people than the blasphemy and idolatry of Islam, Buddhism, or atheism and Revelation 18:4 doesn’t tell saints to flee that Beast. So, it must be literal deaths. Further, martyrdom is universally a literal death in Scripture. If the death of all those who dwell on the earth is literal, references to the martyrdom of the saints is also literal.

Looking more closely at the specific wording of the text: drunkenness implies there is minimal self-awareness and is generally more cavalier toward life and consequences. It can imply a love/desire for the wine/luxury/benefit. Drunken behaviour is the height of describing revelry. Party-goers drink alcohol to get the effect that it brings. If they could get that effect without drinking, most drunks would prefer that cheaper option. In other words, wine is the means to an end. The blood of the saints is the means to an end for the whore. Revelation 18:3 says that kings and merchants become rich because of the whore’s partying and luxurious living, indicating that the death of the saints was a necessary cost of the revelry between the whore, the merchants, and the kings of the earth.

The Roman Catholic Church brought great trouble to Christians who did not accept Catholic doctrines. The Vatican waged a very serious war against those pronounced as heretics. The Reformers are a good example of this: many were burned at the stake for refusing to recant their faith. It persecuted Christians starting in Europe, causing them to flee to England and then to the USA. Those executed often had their estates become the property of the Catholic Church. Vast sums of money for Indulgences were asked, to free a deceased family-member from purgatory. Sometimes, this was even explicitly to fill the Vatican’s coffers. While I’m sure that some Catholics persecuted heretics with glee, Rome saw the protestant reformation as a rebellion, and a threat to souls everywhere. Their response to that threat could not reasonably be considered drunken behaviour. If fact, the Catholic church mounted wars, especially the Crusades, to protect the lives of the saints, not to get drunk on them.

If it were merely the number of dead saints at stake, then Islam would beat the Catholic church, hands down.

Unlike the Catholic church which waged many wars with Islam because of the persecution it meted to Christians, the USA looks the other way when it comes to the persecution of Christians at the hands of Muslims or any totalitarian regime, to ensure continued access to trade and oil. In other words, the Whore literally exchanged the lives of Christians for oil and trade. The USA also barely raises a whisper at the persecution of Christians in China, to ensure a cooperative trading environment. Despite claiming to have a Christian foundation, the USA is living large because it sacrifices the lives of Christians in exchange for profitable trade. The USA does not care how many Christians are killed or persecuted, so long as it gets its trade and oil. Revelation 18:3 says that the kings and merchants of the earth were made rich from her revelings.

The Roman Catholic Church has done great harm to Christians; before, after, and during the Reformation, the Catholic church killed 10s of thousands. The Spanish Inquisition, renowned for its brutality in going after heretics, lasted approximately 150 years, and is said to have resulted in the execution of 3000-5000 heretics and sinners, many of them Jews, and confiscated their wealth. The Roman Catholic Church has been instrumental in many, many wars, but it is difficult to argue that it is responsible for all those killed in the world. Islam, for example, has killed an estimated 350 million people, which by the end of the 1800s would be 1/3 of the entire world. Tamerlane, just 1 ruler, was responsible for the murder of an estimated 5% of the world at the time.

How can the Whore be the cause of all those killed on the earth?

Rahab the prostitute, in choosing to side with Israel and her God, renounced the ways of her people in Jericho. God told Israel to welcome aliens, sojourners, refugees because that is what they once were. But, those refugees had to leave their gods and their fathers’ heritage behind if they were to become part of Israel.

The USA had a very strong Christian foundation. “One nation under God”, and “In God we trust” are written on money, monuments, and proclaimed loudly. However, the USA no longer requires those who come into her, to abandon their pagan practices. Immigrants who come from every, tribe, tongue and nation who come into her are told that they should continue to worship their gods and demonstrate this to their fellow citizens. The USA today proudly welcomes and claims the heritage of all who come into her, as her own.

Jesus said the Pharisees were responsible for the deaths of all the prophets because they claimed the heritage of their fathers.

The USA tells its immigrants they should hold to the heritage of their fathers, to hold to the beliefs, practices, traditions: the people from every tongue, tribe, nation, and creed, that have persecuted and killed literally everyone on earth that has been killed. The USA is proud to say these tongues, tribes, nations, and creeds, are part of her now. Muslim immigrants, for example, do not renounce Islam nor do they embrace the Christian heritage of the USA. Instead, they are proud that they are Muslims and the USA is proud that they are Muslims who have wiped out Christianity in many parts of the world. In this way, like Jesus said of the Pharisees, they are guilty of the blood of the saints, and of all those killed in the world.

A recent example illustrates the point. Ilhan Omar, a US Congresswoman, recently told a group of Somali’s, that her first loyalty is to the Somalia, and that she works to protect Somalia from inside the USA. Her speech was all the more horrifying because it demonstrates that these people, far from being ashamed that they have killed each other (she even mentions this in her speech), are proud of their heritage. They have no intention of renouncing the evil of their fathers or their loyalty to their heritage, and place it over their loyalty to the nations who adopted them. Watch the full video here: https://rumble.com/v49z10u-ilhan-omar-rips-the-mask-off-and-pledges-her-allegience-to-somalia-in-distu.html

Merchant activity

There are two types of merchants in Revelation 17 & 18. There are the great merchants (Revelation 18:23) who rule the earth, and who deceive the world with their pharmakeia. These are the 10 kings without a kingdom (Rev 17:12), who lend their influence and power to assist the Beast (Rev 17:13), because they hate the Whore and seek to destroy her. Revelation 18:23 makes it clear that these great merchants are part of the Whore – “…for your great merchants…”. The economic destruction of the Whore, occurs because of the great merchants of the Whore.

The other type of merchants are common merchants, both internal and external (Rev 18:11,15), to the Whore. These merchants deliver luxuries from all parts of the world, as well as the bodies and souls of men. These common merchants became wealthy from the trade because the Whore bought so many goods and in vast quantities.

Is this a description of the Vatican, or of the United States?

The United States has >$5.6 trillion in imports and exports, in 20192. It imports more than any nation on Earth. Its exports are only 2nd to China. The United States is an economic powerhouse.

The Vatican controls considerable assets, but nothing like the amount of the United States. The RCC imports luxuries, but on a scale far below most nations, and exports almost nothing. Not enough to make the merchants of the world wealthy.

Revelation 18:21-23 says there were musicians, craftsmen, flour producers, and families. This is not a description of the Vatican, but if you wanted to push the allegory, it is true of Catholics around the world. It is definitely true of the United States.

It is mentioned in the section on Whoredom, that much of this trade is possible because of sexual immorality. The Whore compels these nations to fornicate and commit sexual immorality, by which they grow wealthy. This indicates that the trade agreements are either linked to (a) promoting Catholicism, or (b) promoting “sexual equality”. My money is on the latter.

The challenge is how to best understand the term “bodies and souls of men”. It is the merchants who trade these, it is not the whore itself – there is no indication that the Whore herself is party to this trade.

Some possibilities exist:

  1. Actual slave trade/forced physical labour (includes trafficking) & voluntary acceptance of low wages
  2. Human smuggling, people wanting to get in, without official documents
  3. Non-literal, trading their data, e.g., identity theft, or marketing purposes, online/sexual exploitation
  4. Non-literal/spiritual, e.g., conversion.

I think the spiritualistic interpretation of this is unlikely to be a fulfilment. It is merchants who trade in the bodies and souls of men, apparently without the explicit consent of the Whore. If merchants are now “ministers delivering a corrupt gospel”, then the list of goods they trade is incongruent, unless you’re referring to colonial expansion. However that was centuries ago and is not something that the merchants will weep over at the future return of Christ, and so cannot be a fulfillment.

Both the USA and the Vatican have endorsed slavery and the slave trade in their histories. The USA banned slavery before the Vatican officially condemned it (although it had been lobbying to end the slave trade as early as 1814)3. Both are guilty.

As emphasised at the start of this post, it matters whether the description matches the candidate, at the time it is to be fulfilled, in this case, immediately before the return of Jesus.

Does the USA, or the Catholic Church trade in the bodies and souls of men, via merchants? The answer is both do. The USA permits large numbers of undocumented immigrants, to fill menial roles, and politicians (mostly Democrats) have defended this practice including Senator Pelosi4. The USA pays organisations, such as the Catholic Church to help migrants enter and settle into the USA56 with $730.9 million tax-dollars to assist 120 000 immigrants in 20127, and is being used to boost the number of Catholics in the country 8. There are literally over 1 million people each year illegally entering and remaining in the country.

We have seen human caravans pour into the US. They are well funded9. Human trafficking and smuggling is a real issue for the United States.

While the Roman Catholic Church is highly involved in human “immigrants” into the USA, they participate in a relatively small portion of it, despite the mass of funding.

The US has one of the largest human trafficking markets worldwide in absolute terms10 11.

Whether the trade in human bodies is literal, the USA, rather than the Catholic church, is one of the largest participants today. Planned Parenthood literally sells baby parts from abortions. If we include non-literal trade such as data, and online sexual exploitation (e.g., OnlyFans), the USA is by far the largest consumer of pornography and literally trades in users’ data (e.g., Facebook, Google etc).

It is clear that human trafficking is actually an important part of the Whore. A recent movie release The Sound of Freedom, documents that human trafficking is at the greatest its ever been in human history. Whistleblowers from the HHS have spoken openly about the trafficking that happens on the US border.

At the moment, the only clear candidate is the USA. The RCC may have been a candidate in times past, but at the time required for the fulfilment, the return of Jesus, the RCC is not a viable candidate today.


The MOST IMPORTANT QUESTION: Is the sexual immorality of the Whore, spiritual idolatry, or sexual perversion, or both? This is vital in correctly identifying the Whore. Does she idolatry? Or does she promote sexual perversion?

June 2023, USA embassy in Rome

There is no doubt that sexual fornication is used in the Bible to describe spiritual idolatry, after all, the very description of the woman being the whore of Babylon, the home of spiritual idolatry, does lend itself to the imagery of being spiritually idolatrous. Not to say that she isn’t also sexually immoral, both can be true; after all, the chief goddess of Babylon was Ishtar, the goddess of sexuality12. She was also known as the Queen of Heaven 13and had many temple prostitutes. She is mentioned in Jeremiah 7 & 44 & Revelation 18:7. This is the same as the Roman goddess as Venus, but her name in Latin is Libertas.

Babylonian goddess Ishtar and the Statue of the goddess Libertas

But is spiritual idolatry the primary meaning of the text? Some examples of the concept of harlotry as a reference to idolatry:

  • The whole book of Hosea is dedicated to calling out Israel’s idolatry as depicted in the adultery of Hosea’s wife.
  • Jeremiah 3
  • Ezekiel 16
  • and many others.

But sexual perversion was also a common occurrence even during times of spiritual idolatry. 1 Kings 14:24 gives but one example also pointing out that these sexual perversions were what caused the Lord to drive the nations out before Israel. We see in this passage the overlap of idolatry and sexual perversion.

She is described as “the great prostitute”. In Greek, “pornas tas megalace.”   “Pornas” can also imply “idolatrist”, but more frequently, it is literally “harlot”. In English, the prefix “megalo” means “large”. So this could be translated as the “great prostitute” or more literally, “large prostitute”. Whether it is large in size, area, influence, or notoriety, is unclear.

The Whore luxuriates in her wealth and denies herself no pleasure. This is not mere symbolism; the merchants grow wealthy from her luxurious living (Rev 18:3), and the lists of exotic goods are extensive. If sexual immorality here is to be taken primarily as spiritual idolatry it is not only a departure from an otherwise straight-forward description of the Whore, and it is indeed strange that there would be no mention of actual sexual perversion within her list of other sins, despite indulging in sensuality (Rev 18:3), and given her connection to Ishtar, the goddess of sexuality.

In Revelation 21:8 and 21:15 sexual immorality is explicitly listed as a different sin from the sin of idolatry, and in Revelation 2:14 & 20, we know that the sexual immorality here is actual sexual immorality. This is known because of the reference to Balaam and Balak, who precisely taught Israel to commit sexual sins in order to incur God’s judgement (Numbers 25:1; 31:16; 1 Corinthians 10:8; Revelation 18:3). Since sexual immorality appears to be distinct in Revelation, from idolatry, the onus is on those who claim it is primarily idolatry rather than immorality, to prove their case.

The nations grow rich because of her sensuality (Rev 18:3). This seems to be at odds with a description of spiritual idolatry. How do many nations grow rich because of spiritual idolatry? Nations were spiritually idolatrous before the Whore arrived. Nations were already wealthy prior to the arrival of the Whore. But they become even more wealthy because of the Whore’s sensuality. It appears this wealth is more in line with trade agreements that are conditioned upon sexual perversion, or “equality” laws, than with spiritual idolatry. Some might argue that indulgences of the Roman Catholic Church, of which nation-states took a cut, helped nations grow rich, however, this was centuries ago, and it would not be an apt description of the Whore or the nations at the time of the destruction of the Whore immediately prior to the return of Christ.

On balance, I am persuaded the reference to sexual perversion, is about sexual perversion, and the reference to whoredom, is a separate reference to spiritual idolatry.

I would conclude that the evidence favours the USA to be the Whore at the present time. The sexual perversion of the USA is mountainous, unmatched in the history of the world. The Statue of Liberty, is created in honour of the Roman goddess Libertas, the matron/mother goddess of prostitution because she promoted sexual freedom. She was also the goddess of slaves and immigrants.14. The USA is the source of most pornography15, LGBT, Trans, sexual mutilation of children, are promoted everywhere and even included as mandatory in free trade agreements16 with other nations.

The RCC has certainly had its moments of sexual perversion, however, it never taught that this was good or right. Today, US churches openly defend homosexuality and condemn those who warn those caught in its trap.

The spiritual idolatry of US churches is even worse than that of the RCC. The heretical teachings that flow from the USA on a daily basis plague the world. Most cults, televangelism, perverted doctrines, prosperity doctrines, LGBT inclusions, etc originate in the churches in the USA. As bad as the Roman Catholic Church is, unlike many denominations in the USA, she still teaches that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, the saviour of the world, and condemns those heretical or abominable practices celebrated in many US churches. For a nation that was founded on the pilgrims’ spiritual faithfulness, and declares that it is ‘One nation under God’, the USA has long departed and even despises its Christian heritage, banning even the display of the ten commandments and public prayer; it can rightly be described as a great harlot all by itself.

The great city

The Whore is a great city according to Revelation. The Greek word polis is translated usually as ‘city’, but as we know Babylon is not merely a reference to a city but represents the nation-state of the Assyrian empire. When we speak of London, we often mean the UK. When we speak of Brussels, we speak of the European parliament. When we speak of Washington, we are speaking of the United States. The description of the extent of the trade, of merchants and tradespeople, and the volume of luxuries, of the ‘city’ lends itself to a description of a large nation-state.

The English translates it as ‘great city’ (megas polis). ‘Polis’ according to LSJ lexicon is ‘city’, ‘community’, ‘state’, even ‘country’17. Thus the “city” that the Whore sits on, is possibly a nation. Megas (‘great’) lends support to that idea.

Advocates that the RCC is the fulfilment of the Whore of Babylon do not believe that the Whore is a single city, but rather the church as a whole covering the earth, but represented by the Vactican City.

In Revelation, the Whore sits on many waters, which the angel tells us are many peoples. The Statue of Liberty welcomes people from all parts of the world, the seven spikes represent the seven continents, and the home of immigrant processing on Ellis Island in New York City. If the Roman Catholic Church (the Vatican) can be said to sit on many waters, the USA is more so. The USA has within it more nationalities and ethnicities than any other nation, including the RCC. Most nations of the world have embassies or consulates in Washington, and the United Nations’ home is in New York City.

If the RCC can be said to be Rome, and so fulfil this description of many peoples, both Washington and New York can be said to fulfil this even more. The USA declares itself to be the home of the refuse of the world on the Statue of Liberty18, the goddess Libertas. The Roman goddess Libertas (also known as Ishtar – the chief goddess of Babylon, Isis, Ishtar, Astarte, Ashtoreth, Aphrodite, and Venus) was the goddess of harlots19, social outcasts, which is how she became to be associated as the ‘mother of exiles’ or ‘mother of refugees’.

Seated on 7 hills

Many commentators believe this is a literal 7 hills, while many believe due to the reference to the many waters (peoples), others believe this refers to the 7 continents. While I don’t have a strong view either way, it cannot mean literal possession of all 7 continents, for the simple reason that the description in Revelation talks explicitly about the Beast that dominated the whole world but is not part of the Whore, and kings of other nations. Thus, it cannot refer to a world empire.

There are a lot of cities built on 7 hills/peaks. Rome (but not the Vatican) is the most famous, because of this passage. However, Washington DC and New York City are both also built on 7 hills/peaks20.

If the 7 hills refer to the 7 continents signifying global influence or dominance, both the Roman Catholic Church and Washington, and New York all qualify. Obviously, the Catholic church is found throughout the 6 major continents (and even 8 chapels are found in Antarctica). Washington DC symbolising America, also has military and commercial interests across all continents with over 750 overseas military bases in over 80 countries. New York also symbolises the USA, and would fulfil all that Washington does, however, New York also is home to the United Nations Headquarters, and Statue of Liberty, the home of immigrants from every part of the world. There are over 800 languages spoken in NYC 21. The United States and especially NYC, is the most ethnically diverse nation on Earth and is famous for taking in refugees from all parts of the world.

Of note, the goddess Libertas (the Statue of Liberty) has seven stars or points to represent the seven continents or seven seas22. It is literally seated on seven waters: the Atlantic Ocean, the New York Bight, Rockaway Peninsula, Upper New York Bay, Lower New York Bay, Jamaica Bay and the Hudson River. The Statue of Liberty is regarded as the home of US immigration next to Ellis Island.

46 metre tall, 312 000 pound, ‘Large’ sex goddess sitting on many waters

the Whore is arrayed in Purple and Scarlet

I have written much about the type of purple used in John’s time. See here and here. By way of reminder, purple has a range of tones and hues.

Tyrian purple, the purple of John’s time, is the process, not a specific colour, it was the method used by the producers of purple in Roman times. According to Pliny the Elder (died: AD.79), the colour depended on the species, location, fashion, and ratios used23. Also it appears that the colour of purple changed according to fashion. Pliny the Elder writes24:

Cornelius Nepos, who died in the reign of the late Emperor Augustus (ruled 27 BC to 14 AD), has left the following remarks: “In the days of my youth,” says he, “the violet purple was in favour, a pound of which used to sell at one hundred denarii; and not long after, the Tarentine red was all the fashion.

According to Wikipedia on Tyrian Purple:

The actual color of Tyrian purple seems to have varied from a reddish to a bluish purple. According to the Roman writer Vitruvius, (1st century BC), the murex shells coming from northern waters, probably Bolinus brandaris, produced a more bluish color (sic) than those of the south, probably Hexaplex trunculus 25….The chemical composition of the dye from the murex [family of sea snails – ed.] is close to that of the dye from indigo, and indigo was sometimes used to make a counterfeit Tyrian purple, a crime which was severely punished. What seems to have mattered about Tyrian purple was not its color, but its luster, richness, its resistance to weather and light, and its high price.

That indigo was used to counterfeit Tyrian purple, suggests that the purple referred to by the Apostle John was blueish, not reddish. The species of shells used to produce the purple changed the colour. At the time and location of John’s writing, the bluish-purple shells were more common than the red-purple. Emperor Charlemagne was crowned in 800A.D. wearing a mantle of Tyrian purple and was buried in 814A.D. in a shroud of the same colour, a portion of which still exists today. It was made of gold and Tyrian purple from Constantinople (near Patmos where the Apostle John was writing) (eastern/southern end of the Mediterranean)26.

The Apostle John writes in Revelation 17:4 that the Whore is ‘arrayed’ in purple and scarlet.

The Roman Catholic church lists its liturgical colours27 and they do not include purple, despite what many websites tell you. However, I do note that violet is sometimes referred to as purple, so I could concede that purple is in the liturgical colours, with a caveat:

Purple and scarlet are not the only or even primary colours of the Roman Catholic Church. Purple and red are only used on certain events or times of the year, for the rest of the year RCC liturgy and vestments use a variety of other colours, including green, white, black, and rose28.

It is worth noting that in the USA, purple features more in the Lutheran, Episcopalian and Presbyterian than the Catholic church29. And since these churches are a frequent source of heretical teachings, perhaps that’s appropriate.

Contrast the use of purple and scarlet in the RCC with the United States who bathes herself in the purple and scarlet, what we today call red and blue (as documented previously). In fact, the phrase “red, white, and blue” are associated with the USA, even in countries that also have red, white, and blue flags. Even the major parties are represented by these colours.

Comparing the official USA “blue” (Pantone 282C) with William Cole’s 1685 documented change in shade of purples from the Hexaplex trunculus (purple-blue dye) (left), and Bolinus brandaris (purple-red dye) (right)30. Pantone 282C is the official blue colour of the US flag.

An interesting fact about the Statue of Liberty

We’ve already discussed the connection of the Statue of Liberty to the goddess Libertas and Ishtar the Queen of Heaven, and is the mother of harlots. However, there is another very interesting fact about the Statue of Liberty and its connection to being adorned in purple and scarlet.

It is not realised by many that the Statue of Liberty is constructed from an iron frame and covered with copper sheeting. What started as a bright copper colour, through a natural oxidation and weathering process changed to dull scarlet (cuprite), then to purple (tenorite), and then to the final greenish-blue (brochantite) colour you see today. Obviously, not uniformly all over the statue at the same rate. The American Chemical Society has a brochure on the colour changes of the Statue of Liberty31.

Showing the colour changes during the oxidisation process of copper sheeting – temperature, weather, rain, and pollution, all contribute to different rates of oxidisation of the copper.

The Statue of Liberty was literally dull scarlet and then purple before it stabilised in its final colour. And even the final colour is found in the Tyrian purple process documented by William Cole of Bristol in 1685 32.

Unfortunately, as the transition was prior to colour photography we must rely on eye witneses33 and chemists who have studied this at length. However, even if we are to ignore the natural colouring of the Statue of Liberty as fulfilling prophecy, it is easily said that the USA clothes itself in purple and scarlet, in my opinion, more abundantly and frequently than the Roman Catholic Church.


There is a great deal more than can be said showing that, at the moment, the USA is the Whore of Babylon, rather than the Vatican or any other city or nation. Perhaps if the Lord tarries, other nations will rise and meet the criteria even better than the USA.


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  1. https://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2015/9/20/who-is-the-great-satan
  2. https://ustr.gov/countries-regions
  3. https://www.americamagazine.org/faith/2023/02/15/catholic-church-slavery-244703
  4. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/pelosi-says-farmers-need-illegal-immigrants-pick-crops-florida
  5. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-mexico-usa-immigration-idUSN1128221420080111
  6. https://www.americamagazine.org/politics-society/2021/07/29/fox-friends-kilmeade-catholic-charities-241149
  7. https://www.usccb.org/issues-and-action/human-life-and-dignity/migrants-refugees-and-travelers/fundingtherefugeeprogram
  8. https://www.prb.org/resources/immigration-gives-catholicism-a-boost-in-the-united-states/
  9. https://www.cnbc.com/2016/09/20/george-soros-to-invest-500-million-in-help-for-refugees-through-his-open-society-foundations.html
  10. https://ocindex.net/country/united_states
  11. https://www.aclu.org/other/human-trafficking-modern-enslavement-immigrant-women-united-states
  12. Ryrie, the NIV and Unger’s Bible Dictionaries
  13. https://www.brooklynmuseum.org/eascfa/dinner_party/place_settings/ishtar
  14. https://www.ancientpages.com/2018/09/28/is-there-an-ancient-secret-connection-between-the-statue-of-liberty-and-the-anunnaki-goddess-inanna/
  15. https://www.statista.com/chart/1383/top-10-adult-website-host-countries/
  16. USTR officials use the term “gender equity and equality.” Executive Order 13985 defined the term “equity” to be “consistent and systematic fair, just, and impartial treatment of all individuals, including individuals who belong to underserved communities that have been denied such treatment, such as Black, Latino, and Indigenous and Native American persons; Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders and other persons of colour; members of religious minorities; lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ+) persons; persons with disabilities; persons who live in rural areas; and persons otherwise adversely affected by persistent poverty or inequality.” The National Strategy on Gender Equity and Equality defined gender equality as “a world in which equal opportunity is afforded to all people regardless of gender or any other factor.”
  17. http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/morph?l=po%2Flis&la=greek&can=po%2Flis0#lexicon
  18. nps.gov
  19. http://www.wpsanet.org/papers/docs/Cicero%20after%20Exile%20pdf.pdf
  20. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_cities_claimed_to_be_built_on_seven_hills
  21. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_New_York_City
  22. https://bensguide.gpo.gov/j-statue-of-liberty
  23. Plinius, NH: IX, 61 & 62, 137;
  24. http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus%3Atext%3A1999.02.0137%3Abook%3D9%3Achapter%3D63
  25. …archeologists have confirmed Hexaplex trunculus as the species used to create the purple-blue dye; large numbers of shells were recovered from inside ancient live-storage chambers in Tyre that were used for harvesting. Apparently, 10- to 12,000 shells yielded only one gram of dye. Because of this, the dye was highly prized. Also known as Royal Purple, it was prohibitively expensive and was only used by the highest ranking aristocracy.- https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hexaplex_trunculus
  26. https://www.worldhistory.org/image/5393/tyrian-purple-shroud-of-charlemagne/
  27. https://www.catholic.org/clife/lcolors.php and
  28. https://www.catholic.org/clife/lcolors.php
  29. https://lectionary.library.vanderbilt.edu/liturgical-colors.php
  30. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.3184/003685013X13680345111425
  31. https://www.acs.org/content/dam/acsorg/pressroom/reactions/infographics/statue-of-liberty-became-green.pdf
  32. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.3184/003685013X13680345111425
  33. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-4652254/The-Statue-Liberty-RED-turned-green.html

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