Why Jesus Warns Us to Be Alert for His Second Coming | Crossway Article

Crossway recently posted an article to pastors cautioning them to be faithful masters of the household that God has entrusted to them. The context the Bible provides is regarding belief and teaching in the end times.

The article is a worthwhile read:


My addition to this, is an exhortation to take the command to encourage each other all the more as we see the day approaching.

In recent times, people have been saying to me that they can’t/don’t (won’t?) believe what has been written on this website, because they believe something worse is coming, or worse was prophesied. This is almost exactly word for word what Jesus is warning against. Something worse could always come.

How many people might have stood back after Jesus’ crucifixion and said, “he can’t have been the messiah, because I believe he didn’t fulfil X” or “I thought he was going to judge the world.” ? These thoughts are an evil heart of unbelief (Matthew 24:48); it is not faithfulness to the Word of God.

There are clear signs that the coming of our Lord is in sight. Disbelieving these signs are not a sign of faithfulness to the Word of God, justified by the arrogant view: “I think it should be fulfilled X way”.

There are clear signs the return of our Lord is near. I encourage you to be faithful, to teach your congregation faithfully. It is tempting to hide and say, “we don’t know” and therefore not teach what is plainly in front of us, because we don’t want to scare/divide the flock or be found false teachers. But we also can be found to be unfaithful in our shepherding.

This is a matter of utmost seriousness and urgency. Even if the Bible didn’t say that the Mark would be brought in with deception (Revelation 19:20), the visible church will never agree on what the actual mark of the beast is (with possible exception with 666 tattooed on your forehead). There will always be the argument, I think X could be worse, so this can’t be the Mark. The consequences for taking the Mark are too awful to comprehend. If your congregation has received the Mark of the Beast, or your mother, brother, husband, wife, child, call them to repentance as a matter of urgency.

Of course, all my understanding on this site may be wrong, and I am not saying base your life on the claims I’ve written. I am saying, if this is true, it is a matter of extreme urgency that you investigate this, and not dismiss it because it doesn’t fit your preconceived notions. The Lord knows I’ve grown in my understanding of the text causing it to change my views and my heart.

Be faithful. Investigate and watch diligently.

PS. If I’m wrong about any of this, feel free to drop me a line to explain why.

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