The 70th Week

Many Christians believe there is a final week of Daniel’s 70-week prophecy to be had. And in this final week, the AntiChrist will be revealed, the Great Tribulation will occur, and the rapture of the saints (although not necessarily in that order).

Here is the basic timeline that most pre-tribulationists1 Interpret Daniel with:

  1. A covenant/treaty will signify the start of the “week” (7-year period). This is probably orchestrated by the AntiChrist.
  2. In the middle of the week, 3.5 years later, the AntiChrist ceases the sacrifices by standing/sitting in the rebuilt temple, causing the Abomination of Desolation.
  3. The Great Tribulation for 1260 days (some say 1278 days, some say 1335 days). This is not stated in Daniel but is part of the 70-week narrative.

The only problem with this? It is not what Scripture teaches.

If we’re taking a purely literalistic approach to Daniel 9:27 and Daniel 12:11:

  1. A covenant/treaty will signify the start of the “week” (7-year period).
  2. 3.5 years later, in the middle of the week, “He” causes the sacrifices and prayers to cease.
  3. 1290 days later, (i.e., 7 years after the covenant), the Abomination is set up. This is explained in Daniel 12:11.
  4. Jesus says that the Tribulation starts AFTER the Abomination in Matthew 24:15-21

This necessarily means, if the times are literal times, Tribulation doesn’t start until the end of the 7-year period. The pre-tribulation narrative is wrong.

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  1. a pre-tribulationist believes that Jesus will rapture his church before Tribulation.