At least some of Revelation 18 takes place before the Image Beast of Revelation 13 imposing the Mark of the Beast. The Pharmaceutical deception that deceives the world (Rev 18:23; 19:20) is the Mark of the Beast (Rev 13:15f), which produces adverse health effects in many who take the Mark (Revelation 16:2f). The Great Merchants who use the pharmaceutical deception to help the Beast destroy the Whore, are part of the Whore (All this will happen because your merchants were the rulers of the earth who deceived the world….).
It is strongly recommended that you are familiar with the identity of the Whore of Babylon before reading this article so you can understand why this fits. It should be noted that the fall of the Whore of Babylon comes from within and it appears to be in two stages. Stage 1 is the pharmaceutical deception (Rev 18:23) that comes after the Messenger from high comes. The adverse reactions to the Mark of the Beast is recorded at the start of Revelation 16 in bowls or vials of judgement. Stage 2 is the final bowl is God remembering that he is going to judge and destroy the Whore: “Babylon the Great was remembered in God’s presence“. What was bad, is now going to get worse.
Revelation 18
After this I saw another angel coming down from heaven, having great authority, and the earth was made bright with his glory. 2 And he called out with a mighty voice,
“Fallen, fallen is Babylon the great!
She has become a dwelling place for demons,
a haunt for every unclean spirit,
a haunt for every unclean bird,
a haunt for every unclean and detestable beast.
3 For all nations have drunk
the wine of the passion of her sexual immorality,
and the kings of the earth have committed immorality with her,
and the merchants of the earth have grown rich from the power of her luxurious living.”
This appears to be a lament rather than a judgement although we can’t know for certain.
Is this messenger good or bad? Is the messenger condemning the Whore, or wanting to restore the Whore to her former glory without the corruption?
“Angel from heaven”: literal or figurative?
Before we start exploring the fulfilment, we must ask why many hold that this angel must be a literal angel akin to the angel Gabriel. While possible, the text does not require it. Scripture uses the term ‘angel’ as messenger, and it needn’t be a Gabriel-esq figure. John the Baptist was called an ‘angel’ (ἄγγελόν) (Matthew 11:10; Mark 1:2; Luke 7:27). Jesus sent ‘angels’ (He sent messengers (ἄγγελος) ahead of himself, and on the way they entered a village of the Samaritans to make preparations for him Luke 9:52)’ Paul speaks of himself as an ‘angel’ of God. (“On the contrary, you received me as an angel of God, as Christ Jesus himself“. Gal 4:14) and in Revelation 2-3 the letters are addressed to the ‘angels’ of the churches which are often translated as leaders or pastors or elders. Is John really writing to angels?
Even foreign and hostile kings were regarded as God’s messengers or even “shepherds” (Cyrus – Isaiah 44:28; Isaiah 45:1-4); Nebuchadnezzar (Jeremiah 25:9; Jeremiah 27:6; Jeremiah 43:10); Hazael (1 Kings 19:15-17; 2 Kings 8:12-13) etc. Even Satan.
So the text does not require an angelic being. And note too, many of the ‘angels’ referred to, such as Cyrus and Nebuchadnezzar, and even the pastors of the churches in Revelation, are not “good” – in fact, they’re bad for the church.
Trump said repeatedly that he was a messenger. And many of his supporters said the same. Just because he’s not the flavour of messenger I’d expect, I must be careful not to dismiss the very clear and obvious similarity.
Origin and Purpose
The text doesn’t say that the messenger is a political figure, but it is unlikely to be a literal angel flying around. Thus, we can theorise it is a political figure or celebrity.
It is unclear from the text whether the messenger had great authority while in “heaven”, or that the authority came after/with the message. It may not be materially significant. I want to point out that Satan also came down from heaven, as did the Angel of Death. The mere appearance of such a messenger from “heaven” is not necessarily a good thing. Angels have been sent to kill many people (2 Samuel 24:15-17; Ezekiel 9 etc.). Given the destruction that follows the Messenger, it is possible that the messenger’s purpose is to destroy the Whore under the pretence of restoring the Whore of Babylon. Scripture doesn’t tell us if the Messenger’s job is to destroy the Whore or reform the Whore. There is no direct way to tell from the text, except that the Whore’s downfall becomes certain.
The term ‘heaven’ used here is οὐρανός which doesn’t mean the abode of God, but rather ‘the sky’ or ‘the heights”1, for example in Acts 1:11, the angels ask the disciples why are they staring up into the sky (some translations render it ‘heaven’). e.g., Luke 17:24; Ephesians 6:12; 2 Peter 3:12 etc.
Trump came from the highest penthouse in New York (aka Babylon the Great – see article on the ‘Whore of Babylon’), gilded in gold. As Trump describes it “”best apartment ever built, they say” and the “finest apartments in the top building in the best location in the hottest city in the world”.2 Notice the angels adorning the ceiling of his apartment and its elevation above the city. One could easily assume that if John saw the apartment in the vision, he could describe it in the manner he did.
Like him or hate him, for Donald Trump, becoming President was a significant step down for him. In moving into the White House he took a massive step down from the luxury he was accustomed to. When flying Air Force One, it was a significant step down from his usual transportation. In many ways, Trump can be described as coming down from high places. In-fact, his announcement as running for president was him coming down out of Trump Tower in what is famously called the “Golden Escalator Ride”3. Note the backdrop of scarlet and purple of the Whore as Trump steps onto the stage.
Earth filled with his glory
It is undisputed that the President of the United States is one who carries great authority, domestically and internationally.
This messenger isn’t Jesus who returns in Revelation 19. Similar language was used of Nebuchadnezzar and his glory. God says that the Garden of Eden did not match the beauty of the gardens planted by Nebuchadnezzar and the Assyrian empire (Ezekiel 31:8-10)
Psalm 21:5 says, “You have given him [the king] glory and majesty, and clothed him with splendor.“
2 Chronicles 9:22: “All the kings of the earth who heard of his fame came to see Solomon, to test the wisdom that God had given him.“
The Bible sometimes describes the glory, as ‘renown’ or “fame and glory”.
We expect that this person is famous and that the world will hang of their every word.
Donald Trump is the most famous man in the history of the world by sheer numbers, and possibly percentage too. Every media outlet daily reports what Donald Trump does and says. Perhaps this is best exemplified by the ‘covfefe‘ tweet that was still being discussed years after he tweeted it.
Trump’s message and story meant that he was heard around the world. Friend and enemy listened to every word that hung from his lips. Or as Revelation 18:1-2 says, “his glory filled the earth”.
Messaging in Revelation 18
There are several messages from the Messenger and other condemnations in the text:
- Babylon has fallen: Make Babylon Great Again
- Babylon is corrupt; Drain Babylon’s Swamp of every unclean creature.
- Nations are exploiting us
- Illegal Aliens are not good
- Sexual degeneracy pushed onto the world
- ‘Come out of her, my people’
During his presidential bid, Trump repeatedly described himself as “a messenger”. “I am a messenger. What we are trying to do: Make America Great Again and stop letting the world take advantage of us.”4
The Apostle John doesn’t record the world’s reaction to the messenger. But if the history of human responses is to go by, many of those living in Babylon, would not react kindly to the message, especially the corrupt powers he refers to. If his stated goal is to restore Babylon minus corruption, he will gather the support of many who hate the corruption and sexual degeneracy of the Whore and the hatred of those who are part of the corruption and degeneracy.
The messenger who laments Babylon’s fall into corruption and degeneracy isn’t wrong – Babylon has fallen. And the desire to restore her to an uncorrupted state is good and right. Thus, the message of the Messenger will resonate with Christians and they are likely to support the Messenger.
However, whether the Messenger is aware of it or not, just as Nebuchadnezzar and Cyrus were not aware of God’s plans for them in judging and restoring Israel, the destruction of the Whore of Babylon comes after the appearance of the Messenger. Scripture doesn’t say that the Messenger causes the fall, in fact, it is likely that the great merchants who “wage war against the whore”5 do so because they hate the Messenger and seek to undo his reforms. They are supporting the Beast who hates the Whore and wants to destroy the Whore, a Messenger trying to restore the standing of the Whore in the world is likely to be opposed by the great merchants who support the Beast.
Make Babylon Great Again – MAGA
“Fallen, fallen is Babylon the great!“
This is the most famous of Trump’s complaints and essentially his motto or theme of his presidency: ‘America has fallen from what she once was and we need to restore it’. It was encapsulated in the slogan: “Make America Great Again”, or as I like to word it: “Make Babylon Great Again”.
- Trump’s inaugural speech: “Make America great again”, RNZ (2017)6
- Pledge from Trump to ‘Make America Great Again’, Associated Press (2017)7
- ‘Make America great again’: Donald Trump ‘uniting’ the United States, Sky News Australia (2024)8
This of course was met by scorn from many who opposed him, claiming that America was never great, and its always been awful9. This criticism was eventually drowned out by Trump’s central theme and captured the imagination of millions of Americans who wanted to restore America’s fortune and place in the world as the undisputed queen.
Drain Babylon’s Swamp
She has become a home for demons,
a haunt for every unclean spirit,
a haunt for every unclean bird,
and a haunt for every unclean and despicable beast.
This was one of Trump’s most resonating messages. Washington DC is corrupt. There were so many political cartoons expressing this very sentiment. Of course critics will say that corruption is rife in any political system, and they would be correct. However, firstly, this applies to the Whore of Babylon, not just any country. Secondly, this is new mainstream political speech in the USA.
- Drain the Swamp, Trump (2020)10
- Trump promised to drain the swamp. The swamp seems to be doing fine., Washington Post (2018)11
- Watters: It’s going to get ugly when they drain the swamp, Fox News (2016)12
- Can Trump really drain ‘the swamp’ in Washington DC?, Al Jazeera English (2018)13
- Trump: Ethics reform package will ‘drain the swamp…, CNN (2016)14
- Why “Drain the swamp” resonates in Iowa, SkyNews (2016)15
Before Trump’s campaign, mainstream media and political commentators used “swamp” sparingly but notably in op-eds and political critiques. However, it was not as dominant or branded a theme as it became under Trump. Trump’s use of “drain the swamp” during his 2016 presidential campaign brought the term into widespread public consciousness, transforming it into a rallying cry for anti-establishment politics. His focus on the phrase helped to embed it in political culture as a defining critique of Washington’s political establishment.
Since this is the 2nd loudest cry of the Messenger in Revelation 18, it must be a focal point of his message. While commentators and politicians may have used the language sparingly in the past, this was a dominant theme of Trump’s message.
Build the Wall & Tariffs
11 The merchants of the earth will weep and mourn over her, because no one buys their cargo any longer— 12 cargo of gold, silver, jewels, and pearls; fine linen, purple, silk, and scarlet; all kinds of fragrant wood products; objects of ivory; objects of expensive wood, brass, iron, and marble; 13 cinnamon, spice, incense, myrrh, and frankincense; wine, olive oil, fine flour, and grain; cattle and sheep; horses and carriages; and slaves—human lives.
One of Trump’s iconic messaging is “Build the Wall”. He argued the illegal immigration or “undocumented workers” flooding the country was destroying jobs and quality of life in the USA. In Revelation 18, one of the complaints is the trafficking of slaves. The exact nature of the Revelation 18 trafficking is unclear, but it amounts to today’s “illegal alien”. How so? Illegal immigrants work under a system of exploitation that the immigration system not only favours but is rationalised by senior lawmakers such as US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi saying that the US economy needs these workers.16 These “illegal aliens” are bought and sold and abused by smugglers or “coyotes” with extremely predatory behaviour, often raped, abused, exploited, killed or left for dead.
Just how important is this to the US economy? The share of “unauthorised immigrants” in the workforce tops 9% in Nevada, 8% in Texas, 8% in Florida, 7% in New Jersey, 7% in California, and 7% in Maryland.17 These states absolutely depend on the modern slave trade. They aren’t slaves often in the technical sense, but in many practical ways, they are. This has long been recognised18 with scholarly works such as “Slave Trade Today: American Exploitation of Illegal Aliens” published in 1979.
Before someone says the system doesn’t want this, look at just a very small sample of articles aiming to persuade US citizens that illegal immigration is exactly what they need.
- …there are currently an estimated 11 million individuals living in the United States without legal status, the vast majority of whom are working, paying taxes, and contributing in both economic and non-economic ways to their community, often starting their own businesses, and playing integral roles in agriculture, construction, hospitality, and other industries that are essential to the U.S. economy. – The New American Economy (undated)19
- The agency’s estimates show that immigration would help save the Social Security system. Not just legal immigration — illegal immigration too. – Centre for Public Integrity (2024)20
- Mass Deportation – Devastating Costs to America, Its Budget and Economy – American Immigration Council (2024)21
- Benefits of Immigration Outweigh the Costs (yes including illegal immigration) – The Catalyst, The Bush Centre (2016)22
- Five ways undocumented immigrants are powering the American economy – ILR Worker Institute, Cornell University (2015)23
Trump’s solution is to “Build the Wall” and make Mexico pay for it. A nation that depends on the modern day slave trade, businesses that depend on this slave trade, would oppose any restriction on the importing of slaves (including the wall)24, and not enact any clear path toward citizenship (although it would be dangled like a carrot).
Merchant trade across the Pacific declined by 90% in the aftermath of COVID-19 restrictions. This wiped out many businesses. In the second iteration of a Trump presidency, although stated as a goal in the first term, Trump has put forth a plan to heavily tariff imports. This is related to the theme of nations taking unfair advantage of the USA, but is seen as necessary to restore the trade balance.
America First: Nations are taking unfair advantage of Babylon
The kings of the earth
have committed sexual immorality with her,
and the merchants of the earth
have grown wealthy from her sensuality and excess.
We have already documented the nature and reason Revelation 18 says the kings have committed sexual immorality (see The Whole of Babylon), but to summarise, to enter a trade agreement with the USA requires the nations to promote marriage “equality” and gender “equality” which is decriminalising and even promoting homosexuality, gay marriage, etc. However, a major part of the message of Revelation 18 is about how other nations and merchants take advantage of the Whore to get rich. This was Trump’s lament encapsulated in “America First” slogans. This of course was criticised by those who want to keep the exploitation going. It was derided as racist, economic suicide etc.
- Trump says other countries ‘taking advantage’ of US, Guardian News (2018)25
- Trump: NATO Countries Are Taking Advantage of the U.S., NBC News (2016)26
- Trump: EU was ‘set up to take advantage’ of US, Politico (2018)27
- Trump’s ‘America First’ Will Hurt US Interests, The Globe Post (2018)28
Come out of her my people
4 Come out of her, my people,
so that you will not share in her sins
or receive any of her plagues.
5 For her sins are piled up to heaven,
and God has remembered her crimes.
6 Pay her back the way she also paid,
and double it according to her works…
This message doesn’t come from the Messenger, but rather it is a voice from heaven. How should we discern this? It is the voice of God telling his people to move from Democrat Blue States to Red States.
How do we know this?
Firstly, we know this because this was the same message from God’s people about the Mark of the Beast aka the Covid-19 vaccine, such as in Revelation 13 and 14:9-1229. Countless Christians warned against the Vax, not because they necessarily knew it was the Mark, but that within their soul they knew something was deeply wrong. That is not to say that Christians couldn’t be deceived, they could (it was not the unforgivable sin), but it was well documented30 that Christians were the main refusers, and this wasn’t without reason.
The voice that comes from heaven, is one that should resonate in the heart of every believer. And thousands upon thousands of Christians fled Blue States, and many fled internationally. So much so, it was a significant topic of discussion among Christians as expected if God was speaking to us. The reasons given for fleeing that appeared in the press, are the same reasons given in Revelation 18. They don’t want to be part of their sin, or against the judgement God will bring.
- Is it Time for Red State Relocation? Thinking Biblically About the “Big Sort”, Truth Script (2024)31
- Should Conservative Christians Be Relocating from Liberal Cities and States?, Daily Citizen (2022)32
- Families Are Moving Out of ‘Blue’ States and Heading for Red and Purple, Researchers Find, National Catholic Register (2024)33
- Families are moving out of ‘blue’ states and heading for red and purple, researchers find, Catholic News Agency (2024)34
- To Flee or Not to Flee: Is it Biblical to Flee Blue States?, Evangelical Dark Web (2023)35
- America’s Mass Migration Intensifies As ‘Leftugees’ Flee Blue States And Counties For Red, Forbes (2021)36
- “Value movers”: Catholics flee blue states for red, NC Register, The Catholic Thing (2023)37
Trump is no angel
Trump is no angelic being, agreed. But how does one anticipate that the “angel coming down from heaven” would be fulfilled? If it’s not Christ, are we anticipating a literal supernatural being?
While I am hopeful it is an angel like Gabriel, I think it is unlikely. Scripture uses the term ‘angel’ as messenger, and it needn’t be a Gabriel-esq figure.
John the Baptist was called an ‘angel’ (ἄγγελόν) (Matthew 11:10; Mark 1:2; Luke 7:27). Jesus sent ‘angels’ (He sent messengers(ἄγγελος) ahead of himself, and on the way they entered a village of the Samaritans to make preparations for him Luke 9:52)’ Paul speaks of himself as an angel of God. (On the contrary, you received me as an angel of God, as Christ Jesus himself. Gal 4:14) and in Revelation 2-3 the letters are addressed to the ‘angels’ of the churches which are often translated as leaders or pastors or elders. Is John really writing to angels?
Even foreign/hostile kings were regarded as God’s messengers (Cyrus – Isaiah 44:28; Isaiah 45:1-4); Nebuchadnezzar (Jeremiah 25:9; Jeremiah 27:6; Jeremiah 43:10); Hazael (1 Kings 19:15-17; 2 Kings 8:12-13) etc. Even Satan.
On what grounds must this prophecy be considered to be an angel like Gabriel?
Trump said repeatedly that he was a messenger. And many of his supporters said the same. Just because he’s not the flavour of messenger I’d expect, the same could be said of Nebuchadnezzar, etc. Not my flavour.
Trump does not come from heaven
The term (οὐρανός) does not always mean the abode of God, it can simply mean high or exalted. Of Capernium (Matthew 11:23; Luke 10:15). Ephesians 4:10 describes heavens as a place of exultation rather than the actual heaven where Jesus ascended “above all the heavens”. Similarly to Isaiah 14:13-14. Bear in mind much in Revelation it is pictorial and not symbolic.
In English we use terms as “heaven sent” even though it didn’t come from heaven. We use terms like “high places” to refer to those with high political power. Not every lunatic who claims they’re sent by God, are in fact sent by God. The girl possessed by an evil spirit that went before Paul telling people to listen to Paul because he was a prophet sent by God (Acts 16:17). In 2 Kings and 1 Chronicles God sent lying spirits into the mouths of the prophets. In other words it can’t be assumed than an angel from God will act in predictable ways.
Trump’s Ego is un-Christian; Trump is Hitler
Scripture doesn’t say the Messenger is remotely Christian. Nebuchadnezzar and Cyrus were both bad; they were still used by God.
“Sympathisers figure that they need to get close to Trump in order to influence him. True, Trump’s administration was animated by egomania and narcissism, and Trump relishes flattery. Praise can lead to goodies such as investment, political support, and decorations. But being intimate with Trump is unlikely to be popular back home — or good for the soul.”38
Trump is doing good!
The messenger who laments Babylon’s fall into corruption and degeneracy isn’t wrong. Babylon has fallen. And the desire to restore her to an uncorrupted state, is good and right. Thus, the message of the Messenger will resonate with Christians and they are likely to support the Messenger.
However, whether the Messenger is aware of it or not, just as Nebuchadnezzar and Cyrus were not aware of God’s plans for them in judging and restoring Israel, the destruction of the Whore of Babylon comes after the appearance of the Messenger. Scripture doesn’t say that the Messenger causes the fall, in fact, it is likely that the great merchants who “wage war against the whore” do so because they hate the Messenger and seek to undo his reforms. They are supporting the Beast who hates the Whore and wants to destroy the Whore, a Messenger trying to restore the standing of the Whore in the world is likely to be opposed by the great merchants who support the Beast.
It cannot be said with 100% certainty that Trump is the Messenger of Revelation 18, however the similarities are uncanny, especially coupled with the timing of the Revelation 18:23 pharmaceutical deception. At the very least, Christians should have serious discussions, because the significance of this cannot be understated. If we are in the period of Revelation 18, Christ’s return in Revelation 19 is soon.
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- Alexander, Dan (September 22, 2020). White House Inc. Penguin Books. pp. 13–14. ISBN 978-0-593-18853-8.
Fernandez, Jennifer (July 27, 2016). “Donald Trump’s 1985 Apartment Looks Exactly How You’d Imagine It”. Architectural Digest. Archived from the original on August 1, 2016. Retrieved September 11, 2017. ↩︎ - ↩︎
- from 4mins53seconds. from 59seconds ↩︎ - Revelation 17:14 cf 18:23 ↩︎
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- 9 And another, a third angel, followed them and spoke with a loud voice: “If anyone worships the beast and its image and receives a mark on his forehead or on his hand, 10 he will also drink the wine of God’s wrath, which is poured full strength into the cup of his anger. He will be tormented with fire and sulfur in the sight of the holy angels and in the sight of the Lamb, 11 and the smoke of their torment will go up forever and ever. There is no rest day or night for those who worship the beast and its image, or anyone who receives the mark of its name. 12 This calls for endurance from the saints, who keep God’s commands and their faith in Jesus.” ↩︎
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