One of the most in-your-face sins that abound today is sexual perversion of every type.
Prostitution is the oldest profession, as the old saying goes. Today in the USA, there are almost 3 million content “creators” on OnlyFans. Essentially a crowd-sourced porn site. That is almost 1 in 100 people who sell themselves for money, if they’re all women, that is almost 1 in 50 women in the USA who sell themselves for money.
On the Whore of Babylon’s forehead was written a name, a mystery: Babylon the Great, the Mother of Prostitutes and of the Detestable Things of the Earth. – Revelation 17:5
The USA is not only is the largest source of pornography and perversion, it pushes this onto the world. Tariff-free trade agreements are impossible if a nation will not agree to “equality” legislation. The USA forces this degeneracy onto the world.
Sexual perversion brings God’s anger (Rev 18:3).
This is on a scale unlike anything in earth’s history.
Why now? Why is there an explosion of this now?