In the previous post, Revelation 18:23 shows that there is a MASSIVE pharmaceutical deception by merchants who rule the world. It’s worldwide, and it brings the downfall of Babylon. Since both Revelation 18:23 and Revelation 16:2 are discussing the end-times, it’s possible both deceptions are connected; they may even be the same deception.
Revelation 16:2 mentions another pharmaceutical deception, albeit one has to think about the practicalities of the world to realise this.
“The first angel went and poured out his bowl on the land, and ugly, festering sores broke out on the people who had the mark of the beast and worshipped its image.”
Not even literalists that I know, think is a literal bowl (or vial depending on translation), but everyone I know does take the rest literally. However, when pushed for clarity, cannot answer whether the sores (a) happens immediately after they take the mark of the beast, or whether it happens months or years later; (b) are supernatural or natural adverse reactions to the mark; and (c) fall on everyone who takes the mark. or just some, and does it manifest on everyone in the same way or extent?
Poor translation coupled with literalism is terrible
NIV renders it as “ugly, festering sores”.
NKJV “foul and loathsome sores”
RSV “foul and evil sores”
Young’s Literal Translation “sores – bad and grievous”
NASB “loathsome and malignant”
The Message “loathsome stinking sores erupted”
ESV “harmful and painful sores”
Which literalist among us will stake their reputation on which will happen? For the lay-reader, perhaps we need a closer look.
Point 1. There are two adjectives describing these sores.
“kakos” which means everything from evil to troublesome.
‘ponēros’ means annoying, or evil, often in reference to “disease”.
There is nothing in the Greek mentioning stinking, painful, harmful, malignant, ugly, foul, or loathsome. Who knows why the translators inserted this into the text?
The most certain we can be is that they are bad, evil, annoying, horrible, bad.
Point 2. The “sores” could be anything.
We don’t know if it’s a disease or infection (or side effect) as the Greek doesn’t reveal further details.
‘Sores’ (helkos) while often meaning a wound with pus, actually includes anything, including ulcers. Strongs’ writers speculate that helkos comes from the word “draw together, or compel, or drag”; which I don’t even begin to know how that connects. Perhaps it means that it’s slow to heal, or it keeps coming back, perhaps an autoimmune issue?
In today’s medical speak, these “sores” could be a disease or infection; they might be supernatural or a natural adverse reaction to the mark; they’re probably annoying, irritating, and possibly debilitating in those who suffer more. And just as even COVID produces different symptoms of differing severity peculiar to each person, these sores are likely to manifest to differing decrees of severity.
What could be included in this description from the apostle John? Diseases such as small-pox, monkey-pox, chickenpox, eczema, cancer, ulcers, shingles, stroke, possibly slow to heal or recurring, possibly other diseases. There is nothing that says these “sores” are on the skin, or internal.
Point 3. Don’t bet your soul on whether there is boils or pus.
The varied ways translators of the various Bibles above have interpreted this verse haven’t helped us to greatly understand the exact nature of the event. The danger to you and me is that we take what the translators wrote literally, and dismiss actual fulfillment because reality didn’t accord with the translator’s interpretations.
Scripture doesn’t even record that it falls on all who take the mark. It’s likely to be wide spread, but it may not even be in the majority.
Point 4. The impact of these sores
Take a moment to think of the practical impact. The world, being supportive of the image beast, and the mark, is unlikely to attribute these sores to the mark. Speculation will probably be promoted some circles, but the medical industry will certainly be involved in covering it up, out of loyalty.
It may not be on literally every person who takes the mark, but it certainly will affect a significant number. The effect might cause business to slow or halt depending on the severity of the outbreak. Which leads to the connection to Revelation 18:23. If business is significantly affected, it could cause economic collapse, inflation could sky-rocket, which is an outcome predicted of Revelation 6:6, where a denari (approx a day’s wages) buys 1 quart of wheat (about 1 loaf of bread).
Key take-away:
Assuming the adverse reactions to the mark weren’t known prior to putting this on the population, the medical industry, at best, will cover up for the image beast and smear any who say that the mark caused these adverse reactions. The adverse reactions to the mark, are possibly what causes the downfall of Babylon in Revelation 18:23.