Immigrant & Refugee Crises

We see, again and again, western nations being flooded with refugees and illegal immigrants. Have you asked yourself why this is?

Revelation 12 reveals why:

15 From his mouth the serpent spewed water like a river flowing after the woman (Israel), to sweep her away with a flood….So the dragon was furious with the woman and went off to wage war against the rest of her offspring—those who keep the commands of God and hold firmly to the testimony about Jesus.

Revelation 12:15-16

The serpent is Satan (Revelation 12:9). The Woman is Israel1. Revelation 17:15 tells us that the waters represent people, a flood of people. From where do these people come? They come from the Sea Beast of chapter 13 that was tormenting the Woman (Israel) before she fled her homeland for 1260 years. The Sea Beast is Islam. The flood of people almost certainly come from Muslim lands.

While the attack by Satan against those who keep the testimony of Jesus has often been interpreted at the individual level, it must be recognised that the majority of Christians live in the West.

After the return of Israel in 1948, Israel has been repeatedly flooded with attacks. The largest and final mass attack was in 1973, called the Yom Kippur War, which was a coalition of Islamic nations who attempted to flood Israel with people and weapons to overwhelm her. They failed.

For the last 50 years, Islamic immigration into the West has exponentially increased and Islamic clerics have made no secret that this is to convert and dominate the West. They have flooded the West, and in recent times, looked like great rivers and waves of people.

Revelation 12 reveals this is a satanic attack.

Christian nations were told to have compassion for these people. And because it was the “Christian thing” to do; the West opened its arms. Anyone who warned about this was labelled a racist, bigot, non-Christian. Merchants wanted cheap labour, which was easily achieved by flooding the market with people.

The end result of the influx of people who hate Christian values, and will use them against you, is to destroy our own culture, incite internal discord, and steal our wealth. Faithful Christians were told that since most of us won’t go to Muslim lands, we should be glad God has brought them to us so that we can share the gospel with them.

The West was deceived. They were told all cultures and value systems were equal. We taught our children to despise the blessings God had given us in material wealth over other nations, and to hate our forefathers who had faithfully preached the gospel to the ends of the earth. And now they must deal with the consequences.

This is a brief summary of part of a prophecy. To see this in its larger context, go here.

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