Earth Beast

This is still being edited and updated with links/references to support the claims made.

11 Then I saw another beast coming up out of the earth; it had two horns like a lamb, but it spoke like a dragon. 12 It exercises all the authority of the first beast on its behalf and compels the earth and those who live on it to worship the first beast, whose fatal wound was healed. 13 It also performs great signs, even causing fire to come down from heaven to earth in front of people. 14 It deceives those who live on the earth because of the signs that it is permitted to perform in the presence of the beast, telling those who live on the earth to make an image of the beast who was wounded by the sword and yet lived. 15 It was permitted to give breath to the image of the beast, so that the image of the beast could both speak and cause whoever would not worship the image of the beast to be killed. 16 And it makes everyone—small and great, rich and poor, free and slave—to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, 17 so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark: the beast’s name or the number of its name.

18 This calls for wisdom: Let the one who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, because it is the number of a person. Its number is 666.

Revelation 13

The Earth Beast, seems to arrive after the Sea Beast, or at least after the Sea Beast has had a fatal wound.

Where the Sea Beast was an explicitly religious empire and demanded worship of the Dragon, the Earth Beast, only requires that you “worship” the Sea Beast. There is no mention of the Dragon at all. So the Earth Beast demands homage to the Sea Beast, but not to the Dragon. It places the emphasis of respect and worship onto the Sea Beast. It is the same when we are told to respect other religions, and ignoring that their God calls for my death as an unbeliever.

We know that the Sea Beast is Islam. We know that it’s fatal wound was received in 1922, but it lived on as the 8th king without a head, although some think the Earth Beast is the 8th king.

The Earth Beast, is almost certainly the UN and associated organisations.

Ostensibly it is benevolent organisation, a collection of kings if you will, but its pronouncements are death to many nations.

The Earth Beast:

  1. speaks like a dragon, horns like a lamb
  2. exercises authority on behalf of or for the benefit of Islam
  3. Compels people to worship Islam
  4. Brings destruction from the sky
  5. It deceives the people, via the destruction in the presence/sight of/location of the beast, telling those to make an image of the beast
  6. Punishes, even kills those who do not submit to the image of Islam
  7. Gives breath to the image
  8. It requires you to get the mark of the beast to buy or sell

Grab tea or coffee, and sit down, because this is going to get wild.

The Earth Beast includes all the member governments, it does not act without the approval. The Earth Beast also changes over time. These elements are not in chronological order and may overlap.

1. Speaks like a dragon, horns like a lamb

For most cultures around the world, dragons were bad news. In some cultures, they are auspicious, but if you displease them, they would bring about natural disasters.

In medieval and middle eastern folklore, dragons were known to speak in riddles to trap travellers and they were greedy and theives. They used double meanings, and lie, frequently, they made promises, but rarely fulfilled them.

Revelation 12:9, speaks of the dragon (Satan) who deceives the world. Satan (the father of lies) deceived Eve in the garden, through manipulation, lies, distortions, and promises of greatness. Seduction, leading away, is a major tactic of Satan. Distractions, such as sport, Olympics, movies, politics, anything that keeps you from your purpose. Revelation 12:10 speaks of the accusations from the Dragon, accusing the brethren.

The UN and its associated organisations present themselves as benevolent, peace loving. In reality, the pronouncements from the UN drive nations to further poverty, war, and pronouncement after pronouncement is against Israel. The UN claims to be against hate speech1 but facilitates it, particularly against Israel.

2. Exercises authority on behalf of or for the benefit of Islam

One of the chief aims of the UN is to promote Islam. While this is unwritten, they adopt policies under the guise of tolerance etc, to force member states to promote and protect Islam more than any other religion. The majority of its resolutions are focused more on the destruction of Israel, than any other subject.1

3. Compels people to worship Islam

As mentioned in the Sea Beast article, worship is not Christian worship as we do in churches. Worship is the respect, reverence, submission, honour, whether heartfelt or not. The UN compels members to respect Islam, not to discriminated against it, and to elevate it in policy decisions.

4. Brings destruction from the sky

If you transgressed the UN, or powerful members of the UN, you can expect to have your nation invaded. This happened spectacularly in the Gulf War, but also post-Sept 11.

Photo from Vanity Fair,

5. It deceives the people, via the destruction in the presence/sight of/location of the beast, telling people to make an image of the beast

This is one of the hardest you’re going to read. But when you understand it, you can’t unsee it.

Many people wrongly interpret this to mean that this is done, on behalf of Islam. It is and it isn’t.

While it stretches back before this Sept 11, 2001 was a pivotal moment, in the world’s relationship with Islam. The USA (aka the Whore) sought to retaliate against the Sea Beast, but did so deceptively.

One the one hand it brought down destruction on Islam, literally in her homeland (in the presence of the beast), while telling the world that they weren’t warring against Islam. To make their point, the world invested hundreds of billions of dollars in pro-Islam propaganda (the Image). The Image was, at best, a lie. It accentuated the positive aspects of Islam, and washed over blemishes.

This was deceptive. It was spending billions promoting Islam, while telling the West that it was their fault, and telling Islamic nations they weren’t at war with Islam. This created the Image Beast, that eventually got a life of its own independent from the Earth Beast.

The Image Beast, which you will read in another post, is the creation of billions of dollars of propaganda (Media and social media) to promote Islam. This Beast as adapted and evolved, to be more than Islam.

The list of Social Media companies created after 2001, is staggering.2. This along with many other agendas to promote equality, has been funded to staggering sums.

6. Punishes, even kills those who do not submit to the image of Islam

If you did not submit to the Image (the false image of Islam portrayed in the media), you would be charged with crimes, or worse.

We were being justly punished, the West was told by the Image/Media, for not respecting Islam, for the Crusades, the cartoons, etc. So we deserved the attacks, the beheadings, the beatings, the thefts. This implicit condoning of the actions of Muslims spurred even more large and small attacks around the world.

7. Gives breath to the image

Laws were passed to protect the Image of Islam. Laws were vague. For example, a law would be passed, saying you cannot incite offense or ridicule Islam (or any religion, but they only cared about Islam). However there was no specifics. For example, when Daniel Scot gave a talk in the years after 2001, he mentioned that Mohammad had married a 6 year-old girl. Muslims were offended at this, and took him to court. Truth was no defense. So while it isn’t a crime to say that Mohammad married a six year old girl, it is a crime if a Muslim is offended, and so the Muslim, via it’s protector, the Media/Image, could charge an offense. The Media/Image literally became the judge and jury as to whether an offense was committed, all empowered by these laws.

8. It requires you to get the mark of the beast to buy or sell

It has been argued, that this mark is forced by the Image/Media Beast. In many respects it is. The Earth Beast doesn’t act without the Image/Media helping and doing it’s bidding. Sometimes, it’s hard to know who really runs the country. Politicians feed the media, and obey the media. Many politicians have defended their actions, by claiming it was pressure from social media that caused them to implement policies. Certainly social media pressure, does influence politicians. So while it may technically be the governments legally demanding the mark, it is also the Image/Media/Social Media that put massive amounts of pressure to help politicians justify their actions.

The Mark of the Beast has it’s own chapter. Read there for more information.

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