CBDC -Central Bank Digital Currencies – Mark of the Beast?

No….and here’s why.

Many are speculating that the CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currencies, are the Mark of the Beast spoken of in Revelation 13. They do so with good reason. CBDCs have an extraordinary power to monitor individuals and to prevent individuals from buying or selling at all, limit it to certain products, allow you to buy more or less of certain products if you achieve a social score. It has been linked by politicians to help combat climate change, implement WEF and WHO agendas, and a raft of other ideas.

Don’t misunderstand. CBDC’s are going to be used for evil. Do what you can to stop them and avoid them. They have an evil twin: digital identities. Ostensibly used to reduce fraud and streamline government services. Don’t fall for it. It’s ultimately a tool to control where you go, how you go, what you buy, who you call, and who you give to.

Here’s why CBDC are not the Mark of the Beast, and CANNOT be the Mark of the Beast.

The Mark of the Beast is implemented by the Image Beast, which is created by us.

Revelation 13:14 says that WE make the Image Beast. It is not the idea/agenda of the government. That’s not to say that the governments won’t seize and use the idea, but that it is pushed by us.

It generates adverse reactions causing discomfort and even severe pain.

Further detail is in the post specifically about the Mark of the Beast, but most people forget that Revelation 16 reveals that the Mark of the Beast generates adverse reactions. It does NOT say that everyone who takes the Mark suffers, nor that those who do get the same reactions. “grievous sores” or “pus-filled boils” is not what the Greek says. Essentially, it says they are “bad, very bad, sores/ulcers”, where “‘sores’ range from a stubbed toe, through to being run through with a sword type of injury, to even cancer and allergies (outbreaks).

No digital currency can generate a medical condition.

It is part of a deception.

Revelation 13:14 essentially says that people were deceived into making the Image Beast, and most don’t know what the Image Beast is (I have a whole section explaining this). However, Revelation 18:23 says that the great merchants, the rulers of the earth, deceived the world with their pharmekia.

The Image Beast won’t likely admit that the adverse reactions are caused by the Mark. It’ll likely be widely discussed in some circles, but never admitted to. Revelation 16 says that people blame God for their adverse reactions. Obviously, those who don’t believe in God, will simply say it was “other factors” or “climate change” or “gardening”, “undiagnosed preexisting condition”, “sudden/unexpected”. But the narrative pushed will be that it’s definitely not the Mark.

Implementation of CBDC doesn’t meet the description of the Mark.

Revelation 13 says that it will be in/on the forehead (Greek – ‘front’), or on/in the hand (Greek – ‘right’). Christians, Muslims, Jews are extremely unlikely to take a tattoo on their forehead. They likewise will feel the same about implants. Each of these religions have prohibitions against marking their bodies, so it’s going to be a hard sell to bring the digital currency into a tattoo or implant. Plus, biometrics such as facial recognition, bioelectric analysis, retina scans etc, make tattoos and implants completely outdated. In fact, there are vending machines and banks looking at tying your biometrics into your bank records, so that you simply have to look at the register, and your payment will be processed. FacePay, is already a thing.

So what is the Mark of the Beast?

I have a whole page about it here.

Key Take-away: CBDC can be a vehicle to enforce the Mark, but it isn’t the Mark itself. It is vital to learn what the Mark is (see link above) I thoroughly recommend against supporting anything to do with the CBDC, including digital identities, and of course, the Mark of the Beast.

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