Dear Pastor….

This is very important. I pray you will give this serious prayer and thought, because this challenge you are about to face, whether you want to or not, is much, much more difficult, and more important, than the COVID-19 challenge.

COVID-19 was a difficult period of church history. How should leaders have responded to competing claims of authority, on whether the church could gather together against government edicts, and who was allowed to gather; I hope was a seminal learning period for your church.

I believe we are now at a more crucial period of church history, and the choice you will be forced to make is difficult.

It is apparent now, lockdowns were a large part incentivising the uptake of vaccines, so people could return back to normal lives. And after prolonged periods of lockdowns, desperate people took the vaccines to avoid being fired, or to visit a loved one, or continue the ministry, or to compete, travel, etc. It is even more apparent, that the vaccines had negligible impact with many fraudulent studies and claims being used to support mandates, and masks were shown in definitive studies to be largely useless in preventing transmission. It is for the fear and panic, that we destroyed our economy, separated from friends, fired those who refused to bend their conscience or knee. We believed the talking heads on TV and placed our trust in them, convincing us to do this to ourselves and believed their daily sermons that this is what we ought to do to others. It is beyond evident that the world was deceived about mask and vaccine effectiveness.

Scripture foretells of a time when great merchants, rulers of the earth, will deceive the world with a pharmaceutical product(s) (Revelation 18:23) and when people are deceived into taking the Mark of the Beast (Revelation 19:20) which they will require to keep their jobs, to run their business, to participate in the “marked” economy. Scripture also foretells of a time in Revelation 16 when many sores, and illnesses come on many who have taken the Mark of the Beast.

Eve desired knowledge of good and evil. Satan deceived her. Motive is irrelevant for receiving the Mark of the Beast. Believing the deception does not make you less culpable. Eve was punished for her actions. Those who take the Mark will be judged.

There is hope! It is not the unforgivable sin. We can repent and trust in God’s mercy.

If the masks/vaccine/QR codes/passports are the Mark of the Beast, you must warn your congregation. Those who have received it must repent. This is probably the most challenging thing you will ever be faced with as a pastor: telling those in the congregation they may have taken the Mark of the Beast and need to repent. Many will hate you; few will love you.

I cannot prove the vaccine is the Mark of the Beast, but by the time you know for certain, the opportunity to repent may be gone. I have written extensively about this; I pray you take the time and prayer to consider how Revelation 13-18 is being fulfilled today.

The website is I have tried to keep it simple and straight-forward to be accessible to as many people as possible. There is much more I could have written, and thousands of journals and studies showing what I’ve said is backed by hard evidence. If there is something I have overlooked, feel free to contact me.

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