Satan is ruling now. How do we know? Jesus said so. In John 12:31 Jesus says that Satan is about […]
Author: Tim
Worship the beast or be killed
I have written in the section on Revelation 13 about this previously, however, I thought a closer look was worthwhile, […]
The 70th Week
Many Christians believe there is a final week of Daniel’s 70-week prophecy to be had. And in this final week, […]
Great Tribulation
The Great Tribulation is probably one of the most famous, or infamous, topics of Christian discussion. It is the sign […]
The two witnesses
The two witnesses appear to be part of the 6th trumpet (Revelation 9-11). The portion we are concerned with is […]
Guess which politician has been to Ukraine?
There is a popular drinking game called, “Never have I ever….” where a party-goer completes the sentence with a mundane […]
9 things you need to know about the Mark of the Beast
The Mark of the Beast is a significant focal point in Christian eschatology (studies of the end times). Some Christians […]
You decide: Are there 1 or 2 worldwide deceptions in Revelation?
There are two massive worldwide deceptions described in Revelation. But many people think they are the same deception. 1. Revelation […]
Closer to Armageddon – Black Sea Grain Initiative
In line with my hypothesis that the war in Ukraine will escalate into Armageddon, Europe is considering its options as […]