What is the Abomination of Desolation? – Dome of the Rock & Al Aqsa mosque

After AD.70 the next significant event to happen to Jerusalem that could qualify for the title ‘abomination of desolation’, is the Dome of the Rock and/or Al Aqsa mosque. As mentioned in a previous post, all but Muslims have been banned from praying or sacrificing on the temple mount ever since these two buildings were erected.

Historical background to the Temple Mount

Solomon built the temple on the threshing floor David bought. The Dome of the Rock is the highest point of the temple mount. Threshing floors were never built on hills, but in curved valleys, like directly under the Al Kas Fountain. Under the dome of the Rock, was where the Fortress of Antonia stood. In 135 AD, Hadrian filled in about 50 feet of earth over top of where the temple stood and enlarged the temple mount and built a temple of Jupiter where we see the Dome of the rock today. In 325 AD Constantine tore down the Temple of Aphrodite and assumed Hadrian built the temple of Aphrodite on top of the spot where the temple of Solomon once stood. Constantine built an octagon church on the site.


In AD.685, the new Caliph Abd al-Malik received his oaths of allegiance in Jerusalem1 2.

Daily Oblations ceased & Abomination of Desolation set up

Approximately 3.5 years later, in AD.688 AD, the Muslims destroyed3 Constantine’s octagon church and built the Dome of the Rock to commemorate Mohammad’s “Night Journey”. It was completed 3.5 years later in AD.691-692, according to an inscription in the Dome.

Dome of the Rock (gold dome) and Al Aqsa Mosque (grey/blue dome)

The two buildings feature prominently in any picture of Jerusalem today and are a continual reminder of the absence of the temple of God. They also commemorate the time from which Israel was scattered from the land since AD.705. The Dome of the Rock commemorates Mohammad’s claimed ascension to heaven where he claimed to have lead prophets (including Jesus) in prayer – in fact, Muslims worship Muhammad as the perfect man. Al Aqsa mosque is a place of prayer and supplication to Allah who claims to be God. In fact, in the eyes of Muslims, these two edifices combined are intended to show that Mohammad/Allah is more powerful than all other Gods. 

The Dome’s “founding inscription” runs for 240 meters in a single line of Kufic script (the oldest Arabic writing in existence) along the top of both sides of the inner octagonal arcade.4. Part of the script says:

“O you People of the Book, overstep not bounds in your religion, and of God speak only the truth. The Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, is only an apostle of God . . . . Believe therefore in God and his apostles, and say not ‘Three’. It will be better for you. God is only one God. Far be it from his glory that he should have a son.”

Blasphemous inscription on the Dome of the Rock

I have written more here on how the Dome of the Rock meets the criteria for the AntiChrist’s desecration of the Holy place. https://endtim.es/this-is-the-antichrist/

Prior to the construction of the Dome of the Rock, after the conquest of Jerusalem in AD.637 by the Caliph Umar. Upon being forced to give a tour to him, the Christian patriarch Sophronius, declared that it was [would be] the Abomination of Desolation.5. This is what many Eastern Orthodox Christians believe today6.

Both the Dome of the Rock and Al Aqsa mosque are built on the wing of the temple site. The Dome of the Rock overlaps the temple site itself, but not where the ark or holy of holies was located. Al Aqsa, is built on the edge of the temple mount. See footnotes for overlapping layout showing the Temple overlapping both the Dome and Al Aqsa7.

Built by the AntiChrist?

Daniel reveals that the Abomination will remain until destruction is poured out on the desolator, meaning that the Abomination will remain until the return of Christ.

And on the wing of abominations shall be one who makes desolate, Even until the consummation, which is determined, is poured out on the desolate – Daniel 9:27

The abomination remains until Islam is destroyed, aka, the return of Christ. This is why it cannot be the AD70, sacrifice of a pig by Titus, because that abomination did not remain very long at all, let alone to the destruction of the Roman Empire, it cannot be the Temple of Jupiter built in c. AD135. This is also why there is no future temple or abomination yet to come, prior to the return of Jesus.

Some will argue that the Abomination of Desolation is a reference to the AntiChrist of 2 Thessolonians 2:4.

Don’t let anyone deceive you in any way. For that day will not come unless the apostasy comes first and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the man doomed to destruction. He opposes and exalts himself above every so-called god or object of worship, so that he sitsin God’s temple, proclaiming that he himself is God.

By way of reminder, Jesus said there would be many antichrists, but never mentioned a single “the AntiChrist”. Even so, no one can deny that Mohammad and Islam are anti-Christ.

2 Thessolonians 2:4 would certainly be a great blasphemy, but it is not the Abomination of Desolation if it is a person. Daniel 11:31 and 12:11 records that the Abomination of Desolation is “set up”. Daniel 9:27 identifies that the Abomination is set up on the “wing” of the temple. So technically “in” the temple and temple site, but not in the sanctuary or holy of holies.

Some will argue that 2 Thessalonians proves that the AntiChrist is a person, rather than one of the Beasts as it refers to “he” so frequently. However, they are mistaken, as ALL the other the beasts of Revelation and Daniel are empires (as explained by the angel in chapter 8), and never individuals even though their actions are often referred to as ‘he’. It is also prophecy, and should be understood that anthropomorphisms are frequent. In Daniel 7:17, the beasts are 4 kings, only we know they aren’t kings at all, they are empires as explained by the angel in Daniel 8. So when Daniel refers to ‘he’, we know this is almost always refers to an empire, represented through its many leaders.

However, going back to 2 Thessolonians, we’ll look at “the man”, “he”, “himself”, and “he himself.”

…“the man”… or “that man” of lawlessness… in the Greek is simply “anthropos” G444. While it can specify a person, in can also refer to a group of people. It is the same word used when Jesus says “Man shall not live by bread alone” (Luke 4:4), or “Every good person out of the good treasure of the heart bringeth forth good things…” (Matthew 12:35), or “And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men…” (Matthew 6:5).

…“the man” doomed… is the same as the word above.

…“He” opposes… in the Greek is G3588, is actually “who” or “which” referring to whatever actor(s) preceded. It is not a reference to an individual person.

…exalts “himself”… isn’t even in the Greek, it is added by translators.

…so that “he” sits.. is G846, “autos” which again refers to the same, the originator of the action, and is often translated as “they” or “their”.

showing that “he himself” is God… in the Greek is G1438, is often translated as “themselves”, “yourselves”, “ourselves”, and is not a reference to a specific person, it is a self referencing pronoun showing that the agent and the person acted on are the same.

Daniel writes that the Abomination is a construction that is “set up”, and Jesus says that the Abomination will stand where it ought not. Humanity often makes monuments to ourselves, our achievements, or goals. Daniel and Jesus strongly indicate that the Abomination of Desolation is erected or set up on the temple mount. As you can see, Mohammand, Islam, the Dome and Al Aqsa, meet this fulfilment perfectly. The whole purpose of these two structures is to declare that Allah and Mohammad are greater than all.

Many have argued that the Abomination of Desolation must be built by the Romans. However, Scripture is quite clear. Speaking of the destruction of the Temple and Jerusalem in AD.70, Daniel says, the people of the Prince who is to come, will destroy the city and sanctuary… While it was the Roman army, it was not the Romans who destroyed the temple. And this is clear that the destruction of the city and sanctuary comes before the Prince comes. This is explained in great detail in the previous page: Abomination of Desolation – AD 70? Since it was people from Islamic nations (as they are today), we can be confident that the Abomination is not set up by the Romans, but by Muslims.


Construction commenced on the Dome in AD.688 and completed in AD.691/2 and the Al Aqsa mosque was completed in AD.705. Since that time, Jews have been effectively banned from the Temple mount, and can no longer pray or make offerings to the Lord on that site. They have remained there for over 1300 years. It has been desolate of worshippers of the True God for over 1300 years.

While all this indicates a strong case for these to be the Abomination of Desolation, but Jesus doesn’t say, “when you see the Abomination, flee”, he says “when you see the Abomination spoken of by the prophet Daniel”. So, does the time-frame given by Daniel in chapters 9 & 12, fit with the Dome of the Rock or Al Aqsa mosque being the abomination that causes desolation?

Daniel 9 which first mentions the abomination of desolation, uses word “sevens”, which we translate as “weeks”, a common understanding. Each week is made from 7 days. Therefore, a “week” was actually 7 years, each day representing 1 year. So, it is not without basis to start with the presumption that Daniel 12:11 time, could be years.


However, let’s examine whether it is 1290 literal days. The Caliph Umar promised that the Christian holy sites would remain untouched as part of the surrender treaty. However, when Caliph Abd al-Malik ibn Marwan commenced his rule in AD.685, he was not thrilled with the arrangement made by the Caliph Umar, and 3.5 years later, forbade Christians from worshipping at the church on the temple site, demolished the church8, and started construction of the Dome of the Rock in AD.688. The Dome of the Rock took 3.5 years (1290 days) to be constructed, being complete in AH.72 (72 years after Hijrah) which corresponds to the Julian year AD.691/692. As is plainly seen, the daily oblations (prayers – Daniel 9:27) ceased in the “middle of the week” and 3.5 years later, the Dome of the Rock was completed. This fact alone indicates that the Dome of the Rock is the fulfilment of Daniel’s prophecy.


Taking the days of Daniel 12 literally, indicates that the Dome of the Rock is the fulfilment. However, in Daniel’s prophecy, the Abomination that causes Desolation is connected to the 70 weeks. As a result, there is a strong likelihood that these “days” are actually years, rather than literal days. What follows is based on the premise that the 1290 days (Daniel 12:11) are actually years (which makes sense in the context of Daniel 12), what is 1290 years prior to the construction of these two abominations?

Readers should be aware that precise date calculations are very difficult of ancient events for the following reasons:

  1. Which calendar should be chosen? Solar year, 360 day year, Jewish/Babylonian year? These vary by a substantial amount over 1290 years.
  2. When determining events in the past, we rely on historical records that will say that X happened in the 3rd year of King A. However, those same records are not consistent when determining when the 3rd year started. Is it based on a religious or secular calendar, and is it based on an ascension or non-ascension date?9
  3. Finally, the prophecy itself can be vague: “In the middle of the week” can refer to Tuesday through to Thursday. When this refers to years, we cannot rely that it is exactly year 4 (which is the middle of 1-7), it might be as short as 3 years or as long as 5 years.

However, oddly, it doesn’t greatly matter which method is chosen, due to slight differences in time calculations, over the 1290 years, both the calendars will arrive at one of the events that is very significant. I believe God did this to ensure that there could be no confusion over the event. Most lay people accept that the sacrifices ceased at the 2nd invasion (586 B.C.), rather than at the destruction of the altar in 582 B.C.

Meaning, both the Dome of the Rock and Al Aqsa mosque fit the time given by Daniel, regardless of the calendar chosen or whether the 1st destruction, 2nd, 3rd, or the “technical” destruction of the altar. That is nothing short of amazing. And should be proof positive that this is the Abomination of Desolation.

Without going into the details of time calculations (ask in a comment and I might put it up if there’s enough interest):

A reminder of Daniel’s timeline:

  • A “strong” covenant.
  • 3-5 years later (in the “middle of the week”) the daily oblations (gifts (H4501)) and sacrifices (H2077) are halted.
  • 1290 “days” later, the Abomination of Desolation is set up.

Does this fit Daniel’s timeline?

What was happening in Israel 1290 years before the Dome and Al Aqsa?

c.605-596 BC, according to the Nebuchadnezzar Chronicle 10, Nebuchadnezzar II conquered Jerusalem and installed Zedekiah as King.11

The Temple was sacked, as was the city. (2 Kings 24:10–16).12

Some regard 600BC (as the middle of the week) and the ceasing of the sacrifices – using the solar calendar, gives AD691, the Dome of the Rock.

c.586 BC, another sacking occurred by Nebuchadnezzar II;  Zedekiah betrayed Babylon (broke the covenant) and made treaty with Egypt (2 Kings 25). But this time, the temple was destroyed and sacrifices halted. 586BC + 1290 solar years, is AD705, Al Aqsa mosque.

c.582 BC Most commentators say 586 is when the sacrifices ceased, however, we know from Jeremiah 41:5, that offerings were being carried out at the temple site 10 months after the destruction. General Nebuzar-adan13 14 returned (about 3-5 years after the previous attack) perhaps as a response to the murder of his governor and the Babylonian garrison at Mizpah, and killed the remaining priests and carried off more important people from the priesthood (Jeremiah 41:17-18; 52:30).[/efn_note] 15 16 After this, the offerings ended completely until the 2nd temple was rebuilt. 582BC + 1290 360-day years is AD 691, the Dome of the Rock

c.567 BC Another sacking of Jerusalem by Babylon, ending all attempts at sacrifices. 567BC +1290 360-day years is AD705, Al Aqsa mosque.

Timeline fulfilment:

  • Sacking of Jerusalem war c.605-596 BC (taken as 600 BC. as is commonly done)
  • 2nd sacking of Jerusalem and destruction of the temple. Terms of surrender/treaty (c.586 BC)
  • ~3.5 years
  • Stopping of sacrifices and prayers (c.582 sacrifices and offerings cease when Nebuchadnezzar’s general finished the destruction)
  • +1290 days (years)
  • Abomination of desolation (AD. 691 & AD.705)


600BC + 1290 solar years is AD.691/2 (Dome of the Rock is completed)

586BC + 1290 solar years is AD.705 (Al Aqsa mosque is completed)

581.5BC + 1290 360-day years is AD. 691 (Dome of the Rock is completed)

567BC + 1290 360-day years is AD.705 (Al Aqsa mosque is completed)

Some will argue this is a theory in want of a proof. I suggest it is proof of God’s sovereignty. It does not matter which calendar you use, we land on the dates of completion of the two edifices constructed on the Temple Mount; book-ending possible events. It also doesn’t seem to matter which of the disastrous events between 600BC and 567BC, is taken as the ceasing of the sacrifices and oblations, it takes us to the two Abominations.

I think that the Abomination of Desolation spoken of by the prophet Daniel, is the Dome of the Rock/Al Aqsa mosque. I think this is clear, and it agrees with other Scriptural passages.

Jesus made the point that when the believers “see the Abomination of Desolation spoken of by the prophet Daniel, flee”. That’s exactly what happened. Christians and Jews fled Jerusalem and abandoned the temple mount, especially after the mosque was built and they were forbidden from going there on pain of death for 1260 years. This links strongly to the timeframe given in Revelation 12, where the Woman (Israel) flees her home, for 1260 “days”.


Other points to note, if Islam is the “Prince who is to come” who sets up the abomination:

  1. The 7th king of Revelation 17 must only last a short while. The last caliph of the Islamic empire was Caliph Abdulmejid II, and he ruled less than 2 years before the empire and caliphate was abolished in 192217. If the Roman empire is the 6th beast (Revelation 17), then the Islamic Empire is the 7th. The 8th king, is of the 7th (it promotes and supports the 7th king’s mission/peoples, rule).
  2. The Islamic Empire has prioritised killing Christians and Jews from the beginning. Mohammad famously said, “the last day will not come until the rocks and trees cry out, there is a Jew hiding behind me! Come and kill him!” 
  3. While the Catholic Church has persecuted both Christians and Jews, it can hardly be said to promote a God whom “his” fathers did not acknowledge” (Daniel 11:38), whereas Islam has promoted Mohammad/Allah. While some claim that Allah is the god of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, two things must be remembered: 1. Allah’s characteristics are the opposite of Yahweh. 2. The teachings of Muhammad made him the effective embodiment of Allah. He is even called the ‘perfect man’.
  4. Daniel 11:37-38. Muhammad smashed the gods of his father, literally, as his father was the keeper of all the idols of Mecca. 
  5. Islam is famous for its dehumanising view of women; after all, dogs, donkeys and women can invalidate a Muslim man’s prayers18. Muslims even teach that the Dajjal who will fight for the Jews in the last battle, will be the desire of women and is something to be resisted.19
  6. Muhammad/Allah exalted himself above every God. Muhammad specifically claimed to be greater than Jesus and even claimed to have ascended to heaven from the Temple Mount20. This is important. If the “antichrist” blasphemes against the saints and claims to be greater than all, then this is the perfect fit. Mohammad claimed to have lead Jesus, Moses, Abraham, and all the saints in prayer (a blasphemous accusation), but also in placing the Dome and the mosque there, they are claiming, in a very Islamic way, that they are greater than the God of Israel.

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  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_Jerusalem_during_the_Early_Muslim_period#Marwanid_period_(684%E2%80%93750)
  2. Elad, Amikam (1999). Medieval Jerusalem and Islamic Worship: Holy Places, Ceremonies, Pilgrimage (2nd ed.). Leiden: Brill. page 24 ISBN90-04-10010-5.
  3. Some historians say the church was destroyed decades earlier and others say it was refurbished into the Dome. However, what can be certain, prayers were no longer allowed on the temple site by Christians or Jews once construction of the Dome of the Rock commenced.
  4. https://www.seetheholyland.net/tag/dome-of-the-rock/
  5. https://www.ewtn.com/catholicism/library/st-sophronius-patriarch-of-jerusalem-c-5827
  6. https://neohistoricism.net/2020/06/16/patriarch-sophronius-of-jerusalem-on-the-abomination-of-desolation/
  7. Overlapping layout of Dome, Al Aqsa, and the Temple.

  8. Some scholars say that the church was renovated and extended, rather than demolished
  9. Challenges to determining correct dates: http://theos-sphragis.info/hebrew_babylonian_intercalation.html
  10. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nebuchadnezzar_Chronicle
  11. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siege_of_Jerusalem_(597_BC)
  12. https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/the-babylonian-exile
  13. https://jewishencyclopedia.com/articles/11409-nebuzar-adan
  14. https://schechter.edu/the-blood-is-still-seething-a-message-for-tisha-bav-5771/
  15. https://www.gospeldoctrine.com/old-testament/jeremiah/jeremiah-52
  16. https://www.studylight.org/commentary/jeremiah/52-15.html
  17. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abdulmejid_II
  18. https://www.thereligionofpeace.com/quran/muslim/004-smt.htm#004.1039 & https://www.thereligionofpeace.com/quran/dawud/002-sat.htm#002.0704
  19. https://www.abuaminaelias.com/dailyhadithonline/2019/08/10/dajjal-targets-women-family/
  20. https://answering-islam.org/Gilchrist/Vol1/3d.html

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