A Quick Summary

A quick summary of the end times for those with not much time. More complete and detailed explanations are available on other pages.

This is a possible explanation of the fulfilled prophecy. It is presented as a discussion for the Church.

  1. The Woman of Revelation 12, is Israel. She returned after 1260 years away from her home, after relentless persecution of the Sea Beast (Islam). It is also the completion of the time of the gentiles (Luke 21:24; Revelation 11:2). If you recognise this, you must recognise, we are in the times approaching the Mark of the Beast (Revelation 13) and return of Jesus (Revelation 14).
  2. After Israel’s return, the Dragon spews waters (people) to overwhelm her, but fails, and so the Dragon goes to make war against the rest of her offspring: those who keep the testimony of Jesus Christ. Waters represent the flood of people sent to overwhelm Israel 1948-1967, but it did not work. So the Dragon goes after the Christian nations. Since the mid 1960s the flood of immigrants, particularly out of Islamic nations, into Christian nations has been relentless, and is one of the Dragon’s strategies to destroy those nations.
  3. The Sea Beast (Revelation 13) dominated Israel 1260 years for Israel and 1278 years for Jerusalem, corresponding to the 1260 years the Woman was absent from the land she left desolate and 1278 years (42 months = 1278 days). This is Islam. Islam was/is known for the sheer brutality, volume of beheadings (something the Romans and Catholic church rarely did), captives, and slaughter if you would not submit to this Beast. It is an explicitly religious beast and people worshipped Mohammad (who mouthed great blasphemies) because Allah gave him power. Islam erected the Abomination that causes Desolation (Dome of the Rock and Al Aqsa mosque) which caused Israel to flee the land for 1260 years. In 1922, while Islam survived, and even grew, it suffered a fatal wound, when it was defeated and the Caliph abdicated. Islam was the largest empire in human history. It survived, but lost its power.
  4. After the Sea Beast, the Earth Beast arises. This is the United Nations/NATO/world governments united. It is the Earth Beast that helps the Woman: 1260 years after the Al Aqsa mosque was built, the UN voted that Israel had the right to return to her land. The UN demands that world respects the Sea Beast (Islam) and gives it seats of significant influence. The UN calls down judgement against Israel continually, justifying the attacks on Israel each day , because Israel does not submit to Islam. The Earth Beast also called down fire from heaven, against “those who misuse Islam for their own ends” literally in the location of the Sea Beast from 2001-2022.
  5. The UN/governments of the world commanded us to make the Image Beast, the media and social media, to honour Islam (the Sea Beast). After Sept 11, 2001, governments poured billions into media promoting Islam and compelling people to respect Islam, creating a false image of Islam. You can be jailed for disrespecting Islam in social media, especially if it is the truth. The media blamed people who were killed by Muslims, claiming they invited this death for not respecting Islam. Governments enacted laws that meant that social media in-effect determined whether something was illegal to say, and they prosecute transgressions.
  6. The Media, and Social Media grew in power, and expanded influence. The Media (the Image Beast) compelled the world to receive the Mark of the Beast: masks, QR codes, COVID-19 vaccines, Vaccine passports. It is on your front (actual translation of “forehead”), it is in your hand, it is coded/calculated (same word in Greek), it has your name, image, and number, but it belongs to the beast (much like a drivers’ licence). You were banned from buying and selling or running a business without these. This is the end of Revelation 13.
  7. Revelation 14 is the return of Jesus.
  8. Revelation 16 depicts events following from the Mark of the Beast to the start of the economic collapse of the Whore of Babylon. It explicitly discusses the sores, blood clots, illnesses, LGBTQ propaganda, the rise of China, etc.
  9. Revelation 17 describes a great whore, who rides the beast, that the beast hates. It describes 10 Kings without a kingdom (great merchants who rule the world). They hate the Whore and seek to destroy the Whore. They end support to the Sea Beast (aka flooding refugees and anyone opposed to those who keep the testimony of Jesus Christ). They help destroy the Whore, with a pharmaceutical deception. This is the end of Revelation 18.
  10. Revelation 19 & 20 describe the return of Jesus.
  11. The time is at hand, so prepare, and repent accordingly.

If you have any questions about this quick summary of the end times, or helpful criticism, feel free to drop me a message on the “About Tim” page.

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