Where is Armageddon?

Where is Armageddon? A common question, and hopefully one I can answer for you.

This exploration sits as part of the 6th Bowl of Wrath in Revelation 16. You can see how it fits with the remainder of the 6th Bowl here.

In Revelation 16:16, we are told that kings of the Earth are gathered together. The only information we have is it is the “Kings of the Earth” and that it is in a place called, in Hebrew “Harmageddon”.

16 So they assembled the kings at the place called in Hebrew, Armageddon.

Revelation 16

It should be noted there is an assumption that where the armies for battle (v.14) are gathered is the same place the kings meet (v.16). This is not necessarily the case. If it said the kings were assembled in Davos, not many would be suggesting the battle was there, but that this is where they meet to discuss. Please note that the gathering of the kings occurs quite some time before the battle of Revelation 19, whether it is months, or years we cannot be certain, but between the kings gathering for the 6th bowl, and the actual battle, is the economic destruction of the Whore (remainder of Revelation 16, 17 and 18). Why indeed are the kings gathering so early? Scripture does not say. We can presume there is something of great importance, either at the location of Armageddon itself, or of the location of the actual battle. In either case, there appears to be a delay between the kings meeting, and of the battle itself. Perhaps they gather from a different reason other than the battle of Revelation 19.

Many believe that Armageddon is Meggido in Israel, approximately 100km (62mi) from Jerusalem. We know from Zechariah 12-14 that Jesus returns to Jerusalem to fight for Judah (south of Jerusalem) and then Jerusalem. The discrepancy is of distance is curious. Meggido is north of Jerusalem, yet Jesus returns to fight primarily to the south of Jerusalem initially. Meggido is a backwater, an odd place for kings to meet. It possibly refers to the armies, although Revelation 16:16 only mentions the rulers.

Meaning of Armageddon

It literally is Har-Mageddon (“harmagedōn” G717) and is made of two words, “Har” meaning mount or mountain, and “Meggido” meaning place of crowds or congregation. Many linguists have translated it as “Mount of the Congregation”.

There is no place in Israel called Armageddon. The closest is a place called Meggido, which is a plain (100km north of Jerusalem) on which many famous battles in Israel have been fought. A nearby mountain is Mt Carmel. However, if the plain of Meggido or Mt Carmel is the place intended, it is a departure of the style of symbolic names given in Revelation 13-18, such as the Sea Beast, Image Beast, Earth Beast, Whore of Babylon, etc. God is not adverse to calling a place by its name, whether it is Tarshish, Rome, or Jerusalem. So it should be suspected that it is a symbolic, rather than literal name (which doesn’t exist), or an aproximal name (Meggido is close enough right?).

An odd phrase is used: the writer points out that it is called Armageddon in Hebrew, all while being written in Greek in Revelation. It is especially odd since no such place exists, and Meggido did exist at the time of John’s writing. If he meant Meggido, why not just say it? Naming rights is a Biblical method of declaring ownership or authority. God changed Abram’s name to Abraham, and Jacob’s to Israel. Adam, named Eve and all creatures on the earth. So I’m inclined to understand this place is a place that Jews have decided to claim as their own, outside the land of Israel. Telling us it is named something in Hebrew, suggests that it is not the name the local inhabitants give it, but it is a place being claimed by Jews.

Location clues

“Mount of the Congregation” is another name for Mt Sinai (Deuteronomy 5, 9, 10; Acts 7), and for Mount Zion, but “congregation” is a common name for the gathering of Jews generally1. As a result we can expect that this is where a large number of Jews congregate outside of Israel.

“Mount of the Congregation” is also used in Isaiah 14:13, and we’re told the location:

And thou saidst in thy heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars2. of God; and I will sit upon the mount of congregation, in the uttermost parts of the north;

Isaiah 14
Aurora Borealis above Ukraine – Job 37:22 “Out of the north he comes, shrouded in a golden glow; awesome majesty surrounds him.

God, speaking of Satan, says that Satan wants to sit in the Mount of the Congregation, in the uttermost parts of the north. We know from Ezekiel 38 & 39, that it is the region of Ukraine.

Before World War 2, Odessa (a sea port in Ukraine) was called the “Jewish capital of Europe”3, or at least that’s how they saw themselves. This is now obviously not true with the mass exodus of Jews during and after the war. And many places have been considered the Jewish capital of Europe in the last 100 years, including France (the first nation to give Jews full citizenship in the 1700s4), Warsaw, Amsterdam, and Vienna. But none of these places were really named, claimed, or owned by the Jews, in a way that might reasonably fulfill John’s description. Some commentators have argued that the extent to which Jews dominate the USA leadership in government, commerce, and media, that it could be considered a Jewish empire5, and certainly it is one of the gravest sins to criticise Jews in the USA. However, I find this unpersuasive. There are two destructions described in Revelation 16-18: the Whore and Armageddon. While it might be reasonable to assume that these are one and the same, the Whore has a very close relationship with the kings of the earth and its merchants. And since the USA is the Whore of Babylon, it is unlikely to be the site of Armageddon. Even so, the USA is the height of power in the world (economic and military) unmatched throughout history, and could well meet the description, Mount of the Congregation, if all the nations turn on her.

If we’re to attempt to keep the naming style consistent with the Sea Beast, Image Beast, Whore of Babylon, Armageddon might be translated: “Big6 Israel”.

Ukraine in the life of Jews

  1. Zelensky has announced his intention to turn Ukraine into “Big Israel” as the outcome of the current war.7 And in 2020, President Zelensky said in an interview8 that his government was hoping to construct a “Little Jerusalem” in Uman.
  2. The worlds largest Jewish centre is located in Dnipro9. The centre itself is 1000 nautical miles True North of the Temple Mount. It is not 999 nautical miles, it is not 1001 nautical miles, it is 1000 nautical miles. It is not 2° north it is not 358° north. It is 0° north.
  3. Over 20% of Jews in Israel, come from Ukraine.
  4. Ukraine is the origin of Hasidic Judaism, Chabad-Lubavitch movement, and the origin of Yiddish.
  5. Ukraine has one of the largest Jewish populations in the world outside of Israel.
  6. Ukraine has been called the “cradle of western Jewry”10 and “the heart and soul of the Jewish people”11.

All signs point to Ukraine being the place of Armageddon, “Big Israel”, Mount of the Congregation in the uttermost North.

The menorah/lampstand is the emblem and symbol of Israel. In Revelation 1:20 the churches/ekklesia/congregation12 are called the menorah/lampstsands. The world’s 2nd largest13 Jewish centre is in Ukraine, shaped like a menorah and called the ‘Menorah Centre’. The Menorah is the symbol of the congregation of Israel, just as Revelation says (Revelation 1:20) the menorah, or lampstands, represent the church (ekklēsia or congregation). As a play on words, the Menorah centre in Dnipro is the largest lampstand and therefore symbol of “congregation” in the world.

Kings of the Earth gathered

13Then I saw three unclean spirits like frogs coming from the dragon’s mouth, from the beast’s mouth, and from the mouth of the false prophet. 14 For they are demonic spirits performing signs, who travel to the kings of the whole world to assemble them for the battle on the great day of God, the Almighty.

Revelation 16

This does not mean that Armageddon is literally in Dnipro, but that it is representative of identifying the general location.

In lead-up to the gathering, there are 3 demonic spirits seeking to persuade the kings of the world to participate in this war. The Beast mentioned here, is almost certainly the Earth Beast, as it is not in the Islamic nations, and it involves the kings of the earth (aka Earth Beast). The False Prophet is certainly the Image Beast who told massive lies and “predictions” about the pandemic, Vax, mask, lockdowns, etc, and has shown in recent years to be completely untrustworthy when promoting stories, such as “Russiagate”, and told lies about the origins of COVID, and of the covid vaccine effectiveness, even hiding the many side effects.

Scripture does not identify the duration or outcome of the war in Revelation 16, possibly because the war for which they gather is months or years later. Revelation 19 describes the war and its conclusion after the economic collapse of the Whore. Revelation 16:16 focuses on the gather of the kings.

The war in Ukraine has seen an unprecedented number of politicians visit an express solidarity with Ukraine against Russia. So much so an entire Wikipedia page has been created to track this unusual phenomena. I have made comments here: https://endtim.es/politicians-and-celebrities-in-ukraine/

What is important, other than identifying the location, is to see that “signs” being performed are a deception that is being used to persuade the kings of the earth. The False Prophet (Image Beast/Media) is lying (performing signs) to get the kings to come and support the war. It also indicates that not all nations participate in this.


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  1. https://www.encyclopedia.com/religion/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/congregation-assembly
  2. “Stars” (כּוֹכָב) “kôḵāḇ” means literal stars but its origins refer most literally to “rolling” and “blazing” https://www.blueletterbible.org/lexicon/h3556/csb/wlc/0-1/
  3. https://www.gawker.com/ukraines-twilight-war-zone-kiev-turns-odessa-burns-1729662435
  4. https://digital.lib.washington.edu/researchworks/bitstream/handle/1773/38213/Sztajnkrycer_washington_0250E_16594.pdf?sequence=1
  5. https://www.unz.com/article/america-the-first-true-global-talmudic-empire/
  6. God uses the term “mighty mountain” in Zechariah 4:7 to describe large hurdles to be overcome in rebuilding the temple.
  7. /news.yahoo.com/michael-brodsky-ukraine-become-big-085140341.html
  8. https://www.timesofisrael.com/a-serious-man-zelensky-bids-to-address-ukraines-dark-past-brighten-its-future/
  9. https://web.archive.org/web/20130305112604/http://jewishjournal.com/jewrnalism/item/worlds_biggest_jewish_community_center_opens_in_dnipropetrovsk_ukraine
  10. https://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/document?repid=rep1&type=pdf&doi=0a172e1df51911c41665f071c8df9903d75ff9f4
  11. https://time.com/6250062/ukraines-complicated-jewish-history/
  12. https://www.blueletterbible.org/lexicon/g1577/kjv/tr/0-1/
  13. It was the largest until a new Jewish centre in Germany approximately 50% larger – opened on the 29 June 2023 – https://www.timesofisrael.com/chabad-opens-germanys-largest-jewish-center-since-before-wwii/