1st bowl of wrath – adverse reactions to the Mark of the Beast

The first [angel] went and poured out his bowl on the earth, and severely painful sores broke out on the people who had the mark of the beast and who worshipped its image.

Revelation 16

We are starting with the premise that the COVID vax was Mark of the Beast (Revelation 13) and the pharmaceutical deception (Revelation 18:23). If you don’t know why that is, I strongly encourage you to read the Mark of the Beast.

Revelation 16:2 mentions a pharmaceutical deception, although one has to think about the practicalities of the world to realise this. Even assuming that the Mark itself is not a pharmaceutical deception, it is certain the Beast is not likely to openly admit that these “sores” are an adverse reaction to the Mark. The Beast many reduce, limit, or even restrict its use, but it is unlikely they will ever openly admit the Mark causes the adverse reactions. As a result, it will be known, and possibly widespread rumour or belief, but unlikely to be acknowledged officially. This unwillingness and even refusal to acknowledge the truth, is a pharmaceutical deception.

 “The first angel went and poured out his bowl on the land, …”

Revelation 16:2

Few literalists, believe this is a literal bowl (or vial depending on translation), but many take the rest of the verse literally. If you are inclined to that idea, I have a few questions: Do the “sores” happen immediately after they receive the mark of the beast, or does it happen months or years later?; Is the reaction to the mark a supernatural or natural adverse reaction; and Does it fall on everyone who takes the mark, or just some, and does it manifest on everyone in the same way or extent?

Poor translation coupled with literalism is terrible arbiter of truth

NIV renders it as “ugly, festering sores”.
NKJV “foul and loathsome sores
RSV “foul and evil sores
Young’s Literal Translation “sores – bad and grievous
NASB “loathsome and malignant”
The Message “loathsome stinking sores erupted
ESV “harmful and painful sores

No literalist among us will stake their reputation one of these happening, and exclude all of the others. Perhaps a closer examination of these words is necessary.

There are two adjectives describing these sores:

kakos” which means everything from evil to troublesome1.

‘ponēros’ means annoying, or evil, wicked2.

There is nothing in the Greek mentioning stinking, painful, harmful, malignant, ugly, foul, or loathsome. These should be removed from thoughts associated with the Mark, as Scripture does not define them as such.

So what of “sores” itself?

I had a vigorous discussion with my brother-in-law over his claim that the Covid 19 vaccine could not be the Mark because the adverse reactions weren’t “pus-filled boils”.

While ‘sores/ulcers’ (helkos)3 often meaning a wound with pus, it describes a highly inflamed response (which would include anything, including ulcers and cancer or even automimmune conditions; from a stubbed toe, to being run through with a sword, or cancer). Scripture does not specify the nature of the “sores”, and we should assume the adverse reactions can manifest in a variety of ways, with differing degrees of intensity. According to the British Medical Journal, “Inflammatory disorders can lead to ulceration or impair healing directly or through the effect of medication used to treat the disorder; ulceration is a feature of many connective tissue diseases.1. So we can expect there to be significant inflammatory disorders post the administration of the Mark of the Beast. What is an inflammatory disorder? Anything that is stimulating your immune system in an ongoing manner. To satisfy the prophecy, it would need to be triggered by the Mark, in many people.

Don’t bet your soul on a literal take of a bad translation.

Video 1 | Video 2

Effect of the first bowl

What impact will this have on society and the economy? It will produce a severe economic drag. Revelation 18:23 speaks of the economic impact that the pharmaceutical deception has on the Whore and rest of the world.

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  1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1397775/

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