Was COVID-19 a trial run for the mark of the beast?

’ll give you the punch line now to simplify this post:

No. Because while the WEF and governments are planning worse, they lost the trust of people to accept further injections. Vaccines have been in trail for close to 100 years, and are universally accepted; they was the trial for the mark of the beast.

The Mark of the Beast is clearly comes in degrees or variants: it is on/in the “right” or on/in the “front”, and/or the name, image, number. It is very strongly associated as an injectible in Scripture. charagma/charasso= palisade = needle. It’s clearly encoded.

It is not an implant, because (a) biometrics have made implants obsolete in most cases, (b) they don’t usually cause adverse reactions like we see in Revelation 16, because they are chemically inert, and (c) Christians have been primed for decades thinking it is an implant.

It’s not a tattoo, because (a) biometrics have made tattoos for identity obsolete, (b) they don’t usually cause adverse reactions like we see in Revelation 16, (c) Christians, Jews, the vain, won’t take a tattoo, (d) Christians have been primed for decades that the Mark of the Beast may be a tattoo.

This leaves only two options:

(a) a health treatment,such as another vaccine or something conveys lasting benefit like increased strength or life span.

(b) an undiscovered/unknown method.

Who in their right mind would accept another vaccine or injectable at this point in history? I believe the damage has been done for 30 years.

That makes the COVID-19 vaccines, masks, QR codes and vax passports the only likely viable contender for the mark of the beast in this generation.

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