9 things you need to know about the Mark of the Beast

The Mark of the Beast is a significant focal point in Christian eschatology (studies of the end times). Some Christians think it’s purely symbolic or spiritual, but the majority of Christians believe there is a strong physical component. Most accept that the Bible is descriptive of events relating to the Mark, rather than being, set-in-stone, literalism.

The Mark of the Beast is a Deception

It is NOT a sign of worship or loyalty. While people will "worship" the Image Beast, the Mark itself is introduced by deception or is itself a deception. Revelation 19:20

Not the AntiChrist
It is NOT from the AntiChrist

The Image Beast (also called the False Prophet) imposes the Mark.

Revelation 13:16-17

Image Beast made by us
The Image Beast is MADE by us

The Earth Beast deceives us and requests that we make the Image Beast that tells us to take the Mark
Revelation 13:14

Forehead is not literal

The Greek word in the Bible is "metopon".
It means on/about/around the face.
It can also mean front, as in front of a building, queue, weather front.

Different forms
It takes multiple forms

It is in different forms.
It is in your arm/hand, and/or around the face.
It can be encoded, such as QR code, with your name, number, or image.

Bans are descriptive
Bans are descriptive

The banning on buying and selling, are not absolutes - they are descriptive - as are the terms Image Beast, Sea Beast, etc.

Adverse reactions
Adverse reactions come from the Mark

The Beast will deny it, but there are various illnesses that come from the Mark. The Greek text, says "bad, evil 'sores'". Sores have been used in a descriptive sense for abnormal growths, inflamation or wounds on the body.
Revelation 16:2

Corporate deception
Large corporations push the pharmaceutical deception

Large corporations push the pharmaceutical deception onto the world, leading to an economic depression of the USA. This happens at the same time as the Mark.
Revelation 18:23

It is NOT the unforgivable sin

The Bible condemns those who receive the Mark as it does with adultery, lies, etc. But it is not the unforgivable sin.
- People must repent of trusting man over government or science for health.
- They must repent of trusting their own hands for income, rather than trusting God.
- They must repent of mistreating Christians who refused to take the Mark.
Matthew 24:45-51

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To learn more about the Mark of the Beast, read the complete guide to the Mark.

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