1260 Years Note 2 – Historical support

Many futurists hold strongly to that the time frames given in Revelation 11 & 12 must be literal days.

I will shortly present the historical evidence and prayerful considerations of many Christians in the last 400 years, who argue that the 1260 days be understood as years, however, I believe it is important to look at some pragmatic explanations why we should consider the possibility that this is years, rather than days.

Let’s look firstly at what happens in the 1260 “days”:

  1. Israel flees the temple and land after having been persecuted by the dragon for an unspecified period of time, and at some point use helped by a great eagle, until she returns home. Futurists would have us believe that the entire nation of Israel picks up and moves for 1260 literal days, and also returns. I don’t consider that very plausible.
  2. The Sea Beast dominates the world and tramples and kills all those who oppose it. Futurists would have us believe that the beast rules the whole earth and wantonly kills those who oppose it for 1260 literal days. Meaning it ascends to power, and retains it for 3.5 years only. (Revelation 13) The sheer logistics of this is impossible in today’s world.
  3. Jerusalem is is trodden underfoot for exactly 1260 literal days by the gentiles, such that it is called: the time of the gentiles. Meanwhile, we’re obligated to ignore the Islamic rule that has literally trampled Jerusalem underfoot for 1260 years. (Revelation 11)

Most futurists believe these are literal days, because scripture calls them days, some have even called me to repent of this belief, ignoring the multitude of times God has called things days, while explicitly meaning years, e.g., Ezekiel 4, Daniel 9.

Below is a list of references whose authors believe the 1260 days to be 1260 years. While they may not count the commencement or conclusion in the same way, they are all quite clear that it is 1260 years. Many other commentators not listed here, include Matthew Henry, John Calvin, John Gill have all applied the interpretation of 1290 years to Daniel and Revelation prophecies.

Many thanks to neohistoricism.net for collating this list and links of 180+ references:

  1. The accomplishment of the scripture prophecies : or, The approaching deliverance of the church. Proving that the Papacy is the antichristian kingdom; and that that kingdom is not far from its ruin, that the present persecution may end in three years and half after wnich the destruction of antichrist shall begin, which shall be finish in the beginning of the next age and then the kingdom of Christ shall come upon earth.by Pierre Jurieu, 1637-1713 (Publication date 1687)
  2. An exposition of the whole book of the Revelation. Wherein the visions and prophecies of Christ are opened and expounded; shewing the great conquests of our Lord Jesus Christ for his church over all his and her adversaries, pagan, Arian and papal; and the glorious state of the church of God in the new heavens and new earth, in these latter days
    by Hanserd Knollys, [1599?-1691] (Published in 1689)
  3. Bengelius’s introduction to his exposition of the Apocalypse : with his preface to that work and the greatest part of the conclusion of it; and also his marginal notes on the text, which are a summary of the whole exposition by Johann Albrecht Bengel, 1687-1752; translated by John Robertson (Publication date 1757)Prophetic conjectures on the French Revolution and other recent and shortly expected events, Anonymous (Publication date 1793)
  4. Discourses on the signs of the times by William Linn, 1752-1808 (Publication date 1794)
  5. Remarkable prophecies! Being a selection of important predictions … from the writings of eminent men of the last and present century … which appear … to be … fulfilling in the world by Shirley Woolmer (Publication date 1794)
  6. A key to the prophecies of the Old & New Testaments, which are not yet accomplished: by Alexander Fraser (Publication date 1795)
  7. Illustrations of prophecy : in the course of which are elucidated many predictions, which occur in Isaiah, or Daniel, in the writings of the evangelists, or the book of Revelation ; and which are thought to foretell, among other great events, a revolution in France… the overthrow of the papal power by Joseph Lomas Towers (Publication date 1796) (1. alternate download link – color scan, 2. alternate download link – b & w scan)
  8. History the interpreter of prophecy : or, A view of Scriptural prophecies and their accomplishment in the past and present occurrences of the world : with conjectures respecting their future completion by Henry Kett, 1761-1825 (Publication date 1799) (alternate manuscript copy)
  9. Dissertations on the Prophecies, by Benjamin Farnham (Publication date 1800)
  10. A key to the prophecies of the Old and New Testaments which are not yet … by Alexander Fraser (Publication date 1802)
  11. Brief commentaries upon such parts of the Revelation and other prophecies as immediately refer to the present times. In which the several allegorical types and expressions of those prophecies are translated into their literal meanings, and applied to their appropriate events … by Joseph Galloway [1731-1803] (Publication date 1802)
  12. A dissertation on prophecies, that have been fulfilled, are now fulfilling, or will hereafter be fulfilled, relative to the Great Period of 1260 years; the Papal and Mohammedan apostacies: the tyrannical reign of antichrist, or the infidel power; and the restoration of the Jews, by George Stanley Faber (1806) (alternative 1811 download version)
  13. A supplement to the Dissertation on the 1260 years: containing a full reply to the objections and misrepresentations of the Rev. E. W. Whitaker; some remarks on certain parts of the author’s own Dissertation; and a view of the present posture of affairs as connected with prophecy by George Stanley Faber [1773-1854] (Published in 1806)
  14. The signs of the times: in three parts byJames Bicheno (1808)
  15. Illustrations of prophecy : in the course of which are elucidated many predictions, which occur in Isaiah, or Daniel, in the writings of the evangelists, or the book of Revelation ; and which are thought to foretell, among other great events, a revolution in France… the overthrow of the papal power by Joseph Lomas Towers (Publication date 1808)
  16. A general and connected view of the prophecies by George Stanley Faber [1773-1854] (Publication date 1809)
  17. An introduction to the study of the prophecies concerning the Christian church; and, in particular, concerning the church of papal Rome: in twelve sermons, preached in Lincoln’s-Inn-Chapel, at the lecture of the Right Reverend William Warburton .. by Richard Hurd, Bp. of Worcester, 1720-1808 (Publication date 1809)
  18. Three letters, on different subjects : I. To John B. Romeyn … II. To Isaac Osgood … III. To the Rev. Amzi Armstrong …by Samuel Osgood, 1748-1813 (Publication date 1811)
  19. Our Day In The The Light Of Prophecy by Spicer, W.a (Publication date 1812)
  20. Lectures upon the principal prophecies of the Revelation by Alexander McLeod, 1774-1833 (Publication date 1814)
  21. An explanation of the principal types, the prophecies of Daniel and Hosea, the Revelation, and other symbolical passages of the Holy Scriptures  by Aaron Kinne [1744-1824] (Publication date 1814)
  22. A dissertation on the prophecies relative to Antichrist and the last times : exhibiting the rise, character, and overthrow of that terrible power : and a treatise on the seven apocalyptic vials, by Ethan Smith (1814 AD) (alternative black & white download)
  23. The second Exodus; or, Reflections on the prophecies, relating to the rise, – fall, – and perdition of the great Roman beast of the 1260 years and his last head, and their connection with the long captivity and approaching restoration of the Jews – VOLUME 1, by Rev William Ettrick (1814 AD)
  24. The second Exodus; or, Reflections on the prophecies, relating to the rise, – fall, – and perdition of the great Roman beast of the 1260 years and his last head, and their connection with the long captivity and approaching restoration of the Jews – VOLUME 2, by Rev William Ettrick (1814 AD)
  25. The second advent, or, coming of the Messiah in glory, shown to be a scripture doctrine and taught by divine revelation from the beginning of the world by Elias Boudinot, [1740-1821] (Publication date 1815) (alternate version of manuscript)
  26. A syllabus of lectures on the visions of the Revelation by Amzi Armstrong, 1771-1827 (Publication date 1815)
  27. A combined view of the prophecies of Daniel, Esdras, and St. John : also, a minute explanation of the prophecies of Daniel; together with critical remarks upon the interpretations of preceding commentators particularly Mr. Faber and Mr. Cuninghame by James Hatley Frere, 1779-1866 (Publication date 1815)
  28. The Jewish expositor and friend of Israel; containing monthly communications respecting the Jews and the proceedings of the London Society by London Society for Promoting Christianity amongst the Jews. (Publication date 1816)
  29. A dissertation on the seals and trumpets of the Apocalypse, and the prophetical period of twelve hundred and sixty years by William Cuninghame (Publication date 1817)
  30. A dissertation on the prophecies : that have been fulfilled, are now fulfilling, or will hereafter be fulfilled, relative to the great period of 1260 years; the papal and Mohammedan apostacies; the tyrannical reign of Antichrist and the restoration of the Jews VOLUME III by
    George Stanley Faber, 1773-1854 (Publication date 1818)
  31. Lectures on the Millennium by Joseph Emerson [1777-1833] Armstrong, Publication date 1818 (alternate download)
  32. Observations on the visions of Daniel and on part of the Book of the Revelation of St. John by William Girdlestone (Publication date 1820) (alternative manuscript)
  33. Observations on the Visions of Daniel and on Part of the Book of the Revelation of St. John by William Girdlestone (Publication date 1820)
  34. Messiah’s kingdom., A brief inquiry concerning what is revealed in scripture, relative to the fact, the times, the signs… the second advent of the Lord Jesus Christ. ..by John Bayford (Publication date 1820)
  35. Miraculous prophecies and predictions of eminent men, from the earliest records, relating to the revolutions of empires and kingdoms, particularly England and France, with a picture of present times (Publication date 1821) (alternate manuscript)
  36. An exposition of the book of Revelation, the substance of 44 discourses,
    by Henry Gauntlett (Publication date 1821)
  37. Triamoirai : or, A publication consisting of three parts ; the first, addressed to the Roman Catholics of Ireland ;the second to the Protestant clergy of Ireland ; and the third to the king and his ministers, upon subjects connected with the religion of the Church of Rome (1823?)
  38. A Treatise on the Millennium, Or, Latter-day Glory of the Church: Compiled Principally from the … by Ray Potter (Publication date 1824) (alternate version of manuscript)
  39. A concise exposition of the Apocalypse, so far as the prophecies are fulfilled: to which are prefixed The history of Christianity epitomised: and A vocabulary of symbols, with Scriptural authority for their interpretation .. by John Ranicar Parker, [1778-1847] (Publication date 1825)
  40. An enquiry into the grounds on which the prophetic period of Daniel and st. John has been … by Samuel Roffey Maitland (Publication date 1826)
  41. A combined view of the prophecies of Daniel, Ezra, and St. John by James Hatley Frere, 1779-1866. (Publication date 1826)
  42. The Crisis: Or, An Attempt to Shew from Prophecy, Illustrated by the Signs of the Times, the … by Edward Cooper (Publication date 1826)
  43. A combined view of the prophecies of Daniel, Ezra, and St. John by James Hatley Frere, 1779-1866. (Publication date 1826)
  44. Treatise on the Millennium by William Cummins Davis (Publication date 1827)
  45. The Apocalypse of St. John: or Prophecy of the rise, progress, and fall of the Church of Rome by George Croly (1827) (alternate manuscript)
  46. The Sacred Calendar Of Prophecy – Vol. 1 by George Stanley Faber (Publication date 1828)
  47. The Sacred Calendar Of Prophecy – Vol. 2 by George Stanley Faber (Publication date 1828)
  48. The Sacred Calendar Of Prophecy – Vol. 3 , by George Stanley Faber (Publication date 1828)
  49. A view of the expected Christian millennium : which is promised in the Holy Scriptures, and is believed to be nigh its commencement, and must transpire before the conflagration of the heavens and the earth; embellished with a chart, of the dispensations from Abraham to the end of time by Josiah Priest [1788-1851] (Publication date 1828) (alternate manuscript)
  50. The seven last plagues; or the vials of the wrath of God: a treatise on the prophecies, in two parts. Consisting of dissertations on various passages of scripture; by Robert Reid, , 1781-1844 (Publication date 1828)
  51. The Mohammedan system of theology by W. H. Neale (Publication date 1828)
  52. The theory of prophecy: as it respects more particularly civil establishments of Christianity … by Alfred Addis (Publication date 1830)
  53. The time of the millennium investigated; and its nature determined on scriptural grounds by Frederick Nolan (Publication date 1831)
  54. A Treatise on the 1260 Days of Daniel and Saint John : Being an attempt to Establish the Conclusion that they are YEARS; and also to Fix the Date of their Commencement and Termination by Rev. William Digby (1831)
  55. The Revelation of Saint John Explained by Henry William Lovett (Publication date 1831)
  56. A Dissertation Concerning the Chronological Numbers Recorded in the Prophecies of Daniel, as compared with those in the Revelation of St. John and with reference especially to the Critical Nature of the Present Time by Rev. Philip Allwood (1833)
  57. Key to the Revelation by Ethan Smith 1762-1849 (Publication date 1833)
  58. Key to the Revelation: In Thirty-six Lectures, Taking the Whole Book in Course by Ethan Smith (Publication date 1833)
  59. A complete ecclesiastical chart from the earliest records, sacred and profane, down to the present day, showing its connection with civil history and prophecy : and exhibiting at a single view, the identity and perpetuity of the church… by Richard Cunningham Shimeall [1803-1874] (Publication date 1833)
  60. Dissertations on the prophecies of sacred Scripture which relate to the antichristian powers by John S. Waugh (Publication date 1833)
  61. The twelve hundred and sixty days, in reply to the Strictures of William Cuninghame by Samuel Roffey Maitland, Publication date 1834
  62. A Dissertation on the Prophetic Scriptures: Chiefly Those of a Chronological Character ; Shewing their aspect on the present times, and on the destinies of the Jewish Nation by Matthew Habershon (Publication date 1834) (alternative version link)
  63. A practical guide to the prophecies: With Reference to Their Interpretation and Fulfilment, and … by Edward Bickersteth (Publication date 1835)
  64. The chronology of Israel and the Jews.. by William Cunninghame (Publication date 1835)
  65. A voice of warning and instruction concerning the signs of the times, and the coming of the Son of Man to judge the nations and restore all things, by Adam Hood Burwell, 1790-1849 (Publication date 1835)
  66. A little book open : containing the cry of a loud voice as when a lion roareth : laying open the Revelations and also the faith once delivered to the saints by John Whithead (Publication date 1836) (alternate manuscript)
  67. ‘The beast and his image’; or, The pope and the Council of Trent, a commentary upon Revelation XIII by Frederic Fysh (Publication date 1837)
  68. An elucidation of the prophecies, being an exposition of the books of Daniel and the Revelation by Joseph Tyso (Publication date 1838)
  69. An exposition of part of the 24th and 25th chapters of st matthew by i. w. lillingston (Publication date 1838)
  70. The fulness of the times, being an analysis of the Chronology of the Seventy by William Cuninghame (Publication date 1839)
  71. Miller Overthrown By A Cosmopolite (1840)
  72. A treatise on the chronology, and the prophetical numbers, of the Bible, in a letter by Duncan Macdougal (Publication date 1840)
  73. An Historical Dissertation of the Prophetic Scriptures of the Old Testament chiefly those of a chronological character shewing their aspect on the present times, and on the destinies of the Jewish Nation by Matthew Habershon (Publication date 1840)
  74. An Exposition of the Prophecies: Supposed by William Miller to Predict the Second Coming of … by John Dowling (Publication date 1840) (alternate link)
  75. An address to the clergy, on the near approach of the glorious, everlasting kingdom of God on earth.. by Josiah Litch (Publication date 1840)
  76. Illustrations of prophecy : particularly the evening and morning visions of Daniel, and the apocalyptical visions of John by David Cambell (Publication date 1840)
  77. The season of the end : being a view of the scientific times of the year 1840 (computed as ending on the 30th Adar, March 23d, 1841.) with prefatory remarks on theories of geology as opposed to the scriptures, and an appendant dissertation on the dates of the nativity and passion
    by William Cuninghame (Publication date 1841)
  78. A Practical Guide to the Prophecies: With Reference to Their Interpretation and Fulfilmint, and … by Edward Bickersteth (Publication date 1841)
  79. A guide to the study of chronological prophecy : selected and abridged from a larger treatise by the same author, entitled “A dissertation on the prophetic scriptures,” by Matthew Habershon (Publication date 1841)
  80. A Guide to the Study of Chronological Prophecy by Matthew Habershon, (1841)
  81. Elements of Prophetical Interpretation by Joshua William Brooks (Publication date 1841)
  82. An historical exposition of the prophecies of the Revelation of St. John; shewing their connection with and confirmation of those of Daniel, and the Old Testament in general; particularly in their most important aspect on the present times by Matthew Habershon,1789-1852 (Publication date 1841) (alternative download link)
  83. Thoughts on the coming and Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ, by John Cox 1802-1878 (Publication date 1842)
  84. Age of the world by Richard Cunningham Shimeall (1842) (alternative download link)
  85. A brief explication of the principal prophecies of Daniel and John, as they regard the church of God : to which is added, an appendix, containing an inquiry into the propriety of using an evangelical psalmody in the worship of Go by Samuel Ralston, 1756-1851 (Publication date 1842)
  86. A description of the prophetic numbers in prophecy : with a brief explanation of the length of Daniel’s vision, and many other numbers, showing the fulfilment of prophecy; published for the encouragement of the Bible student (Publication date 1842)
  87. The Second Advent manual by Apollos Hale (published in 1843)
  88. A Dissertation on the seals and trumpets of the Apocalypse, and the period of 1260 years by William Cuninghame (1843 AD)
  89. Dissertation on the seals and trumpets of the Apocalypse, and the period of 1260 years by William Cuninghame (Publication date 1843)
  90. The Rule Based on the Word of God, for the Calculation of Time in the Prophecies of the Old and New Testament; with an application of the same, as a first example, to the THREE TIMES AND A HALF of the Apocalypse wheron depends THE NUMBERING OF THE BEAST… by A Graduate of the University of Cambridge (1843)
  91. The Year-Day System of Interpreting the Prophecies Examined, by Joseph Tyso (1845)
  92. The divine history of the church; or, A catechism of the Apocalypse : with a plan of the Apocalyptic drama. And a chronological table of the principal events prefigured arranged according to the Apocalyptic time by Frederic Fysh, (Publication date 1845)
  93. Reply to the Rev. T. K. Arnold’s Remarks on the ‘Horæ apocalypticæ’ by Edward Bishop Elliott, Publication date 1845
  94. Horae Apocalypticae; or, A commentary on the Apocalypse, critical and historical; including also an examination of the chief prophecies of Daniel (2nd Edition) by Edward Bishop Elliott, 1793-1875 (Publication date 1846)
  95. The fulfilling of the times of the gentiles, a conspicuous sign of the end by William Cuninghame (Publication date 1847)
  96. The fulfilling of the times of the gentiles, a conspicuous sign of the end
    by William Cuninghame (Publication date 1847)
  97. The Last Vials (1847)
  98. Horæ Apocalypticæ: Or, a Commentary on the Apocalypse, Critical and Historical; Including Also … by Edward Bishop Elliott (Publication date 1847)
  99. Two sermons, on the promotion of Christianity amongst the Jews by the Rev. William Buell Sprague (Publication date 1847)
  100. The rise and fall of Rome Papal by Robert Fleming, [1660?-1716] (Publication date 1848)
  101. Faith and Infidelity Part 1. The 1260 Years of the Apocalypse. A Short Dissertation on the Time of the Testimony of the Two Witnesses; setting forth reasons for taking a date differing from other commentators, for the commencement of the 1260 years, during which they were to testify clothed in sackcloth (1848)
  102. Epistolary discourse containing a new resolution and improvement of the grand apocalyptical question, concerning the rise and fall of Rome papal / By Robert Fleming … 1660?-1716 (Publication date 1848)
  103. Notes On The Prophecies Of The Apocalypse by Henry Forster Burder (Publication date 1849)
  104. The Rise and Fall of the Papacy: Delivered in London, A.D. 1701 : with an by Robert Fleming (Publication date 1849)
  105. The rise and fall of Rome papal, reprint from ed. of 1701., with notes, preface and a memoir of the author by Robert Flemming, 1660?-1716 (Publication date 1849)
  106. The Apostles’ School of Prophetic Interpretation: with its history down to the present time by Charles Maitland (Publication date 1849)
  107. The Prophetic System of Mr. Elliott and Dr. Cumming Considered by B. W. Newton (1850)
  108. An Investigation of the 1260, 1290 and 1335 Days: as given by Daniel and John by F. H. Berick (1850)
  109. Notes forming a brief interpretation of the Apocalypse: intended to be read in connexion with … by James Hatley Frere (Publication date 1850)
  110. The Fulfilment of Prophecy: or A Prophetic History of the World; including a new Suggestions on the probable termini of the Chronological Periods by F. H. Berick and J. Couch (1852)
  111. Outlines of prophetic revelation, being a concise explanation of the Revelation of St. John, in which the design of each chapter is explained; by R. B James, (Publication date 1852)
  112. The predicted downfall of the Turkish power the preparation for the return of the ten tribes by George Stanley Faber (Publication date 1853) (alternative download link)
  113. The coming struggle among the nations of the earth by David Pae [1828-1884] (Published in 1853)
  114. Bible astronomy; or, The little book on the mysteries and wonder of the rise and fall of Babylon by Josiah F. Melcher (Publication date 1853)
  115. The book of Revelation explained by history by Jean Baptiste L’Hote, bp. of Nancy (Publication date 1854)
  116. Apocalyptic sketches; lectures on the book of Revelation. 1st series by John Cumming, 1807-1881 (Publication date 1854)
  117. Mahometanism in its relation to prophecy : or, an inquiry into the prophecies concerning antichrist, with some reference to their bearing on the events of the present day by Ambrose Lisle Phillipps (Publication date 1855) (alternate download link)
  118. Signs of the Times: Or, Present, Past, and Future by John Cumming (Publication date 1855)
  119. The End: or, The Proximate Signs of the Close of This Dispensation by John Cumming (Publication date 1855)
  120. “The time of the end:” a prophetic period, developing, as predicted, an increase of knowledge respecting the prophecies and periods that foretell the end: illustrated by the history of prophetic interpretation, the expectation of the church and the various computations of the times of Daniel and John by a Congregationalist (Publication date 1856)
  121. Warburtonian Lectures, preached in Lincoln’s Inn Chapel, in the winters from 1849-1853.. by E.B. Elliott (Publication date 1856)
  122. An original interpretation of the Apocalypse (Publication date 1857)
  123. Terminal Synchronism of Daniel’s Two Principal Periods : Two Thousand Three Hundred Days. and A Time, Times , and the Dividing of Time. (1858)
  124. Το Θηριον – A Dissertation on the History of the “Beast” as derived from the Prophets Daniel and John and of that head of the Beast especially “whose deadly wound was healed” by Maurice Cely Trevilian (1858)
  125. The Revelation of John the Divine: by Samuel S Ralston (Publication date 1858)
  126. James White, Signs of the Times showing that Second Coming of Christ is at the Doors. Spiritualism, a foretold Sign that the Day of God’s Wrath Hasteth Greatly (1859)
  127. The Revelation of John its own interpreter : in virtue of the double version in which it is delivered by John Cochran (Publication date 1860)
  128. The Great Tribulation: Or, Things Coming on the Earth … First-[second] Series. … by John Cumming (Publication date 1860)
  129. Great Preparation, Or, Redemption Draweth Nigh by John Cumming (Publication date 1860)
  130. Apocalyptic sketches : being a condensed exposition of the views of the most eminent writers upon the prophecies of Revelation, Daniel, Isaiah, etc, respecting the second coming of Our Lord with all His saints at the first resurrection (Publication date 1860)
  131. A brief exposition of the prophecies of Daniel and st. John, respecting the latter three times … by Thomas Stephen (Publication date 1861)
  132. Signs of the Times showing that Second Coming of Christ is at the Doors. Spiritualism, a foretold Sign that the Day of God’s Wrath Hasteth Greatly (1862)
  133. What the Prophets foretold: A Compendium of Scripture Prediction, with Special Reference to the … by John Algernon Clarke (Publication date 1862)
  134. Paraphrase of the Revelation of Saint John. According to the Horæ Apocalypticæ of E.B. Elliott Drawn up by Archdeacon Pratt by John Henry Pratt, 1809-1871 (Publication date 1862)
  135. Thoughts on the kingdom of God by William Niven (Publication date 1862)
  136. Sacred chronology and numbers, arranged and verified, in their application to … prophecy: or … by Louis Alfred Du Pouget (Publication date 1863)
  137. The Great Consummation : The Millennial Rest ; or, The World As It Will Be, by John Cumming, 1807-1881 (Publication date 1863)
  138. The predictions of the prophets, which have been most wonderfully fulfilled since the commencement of the Christian era, and especially those predictions concerning the United States of America
    by Pleasant E Royse (Publication date 1864)
  139. Two years after and onwards, or The approaching war amongst the powers of Europe … as foretold … by David Pae (Publication date 1864)
  140. The end as foretold in Daniel : with an exposition of some numbers, and the chronology of the Hebrew Scriptures by Redford A Watkinson (Publication date 1865)
  141. Behold the Bridegroom Cometh, The Last Warning Cry, With Reasons For The Hope That Is In Me, by John Cumming (Publication date 1865)
  142. Last Warning Voice; or, an Exposition of the Prophecies: Showing that the Second Personal Appearing of Our Lord Jesus Christ will Take Place Not Later Than A.D. 1867 by S. S. Brewer, A. Decker (1866)
  143. The Time at Hand: Evidences that the Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ (1867)
  144. Notes on the Apocalypse : with an appendix containing dissertations on some of the Apocalyptic symbols : together with animadversions on the interpretations of several among the most learned and approved expositors of Britain and America by David Steele, 1803-1887 (Publication date 1870)
  145. History and revelation, the correspondence of the predictions of the Apocalypse with the marked … by James H. Braund (Publication date 1870)
  146. The philosophy of God and the world by Mitchell, Thomas, Rev (Publication date 1871)
  147. The times of the gentile by Joseph Baylee Publication date 1871
  148. The times of Daniel. An argument by Henry W. Taylor, LL.D. (Publication date 1871) (alternate download link)
  149. History and revelation, the correspondence of the predictions of the Apocalypse with the marked … by James H. Braund (Publication date 1875)
  150. Divine pictures of the Christian centuries by Ezra DeFreest Simons (Publication date 1875)
  151. Rome and Turkey in connexion with the second Advent, sermon by Edward Hoare (Publication date 1876)
  152. The Times of Daniel – An Argument  1877 AD, by Henry W Taylor
  153. Remarks on the prophetic part of the revelation of St. John : especially the last three trumpets by Thomas Reader (Publication date 1778)
  154. The Approaching End of the Age: Viewed in the Light of History, Prophecy, and Science by Henry Grattan Guinness (1879 AD)
  155. The Apocalyptic histories: in plain language and chronologically arranged, by the author of … by Edward White (Publication date 1879)
  156. How to Interpret the Apocalypse by Robert Govett (Publication date 1879)
  157. Thoughts on the times and seasons of sacred prophecy by Thomas Rawson Birks (Publication date 1880)
  158. The approaching end of the age viewed in the light of history, prophecy, and science by Henry Grattan Guinness, 1835-1910 (Publication date 1880)
  159. Aids to prophetic inquiry by Benjamin Wills Newton, , 1807-1899 (Publication date 1881)
  160. The book of Revelation; or, The last volume of prophecy, tr. and expounded by John G. Murphy (Publication date 1882)
  161. The prophetic dates : or the days, years, times, and other epochs spoken of by the prophets, which point out the rise and fall of kingdoms and churches, the coming of Christ, the end of the world, and the resurrection by J. J. Cleveland (Publication date 1883) (alternate download site)
  162. Judah and Israel: .. by H. L. Chamberlain, (Publication date 1888)
  163. Patmos. The history of the kingdom of heaven, the true church of Christby Edwin R. McGregor, (Publication date 1890)
  164. The great importance of the sabbatic number seven, as connected with the characters, actions, and events of the Bible by Pleasant E. Royse (Publication date 1890)
  165. The Apocalypse : its structure and primary predictions by David Brown [1803-1897] (Publication date 1891)
  166. Future wonders of prophecy, with quotations from the expositions of Archbp. Cyprian, and others by M. Baxter, (Publication date 1894)
  167. The coming of the great king .. by William Houliston (Publication date 1897)
  168. Key to the Revelation of St. John by John M. Grundy, (Publication date 1897)
  169. His glorious appearing: an exposition of Matthew twenty-four by Review and herald publishing association (Publication date 1904) (alternate manuscript 1905 edition)
  170. On This Rock OR The Certainties Of Faith By Henry Grattan Guinness (Publication date 1909)
  171. Studies in the Scriptures by Charles Taze Russell (Publisher London, 1911)
  172. What God hath wrought; the origin and destiny of man, and the end of the time by Charles Holm (Publication date 1912)
  173. Notes on Important Eras of Fulfilling Prophecy by William Ambrose Spicer (1913)
  174. Time, tradition and truth concerning the end of the world by Greenberry G. Rupert (Publication date 1914)
  175. The years of 1914 to 1923 in Bible prophecy by Thomas Troward, 1847-1916 (Publication date 1915)
  176. Seventy weeks; a Bible study by Benjamin Hubert Haynes (Publication date 1917)
  177. Beasts and sevens of Revelations by Lemuel King Robinson [1855- ] (Publication date 1917)
  178. Prophecy, the war, and the Near East by George Harold Lancaster, (Publication date 1918)
  179. Before Armageddon by Albion Fox Ballenger (Publication date 1918)
  180. The Prophetic outlook to-day. Where are we now in prophecy? : essays on second advent subjects by Ernest Peter Cachemaille (Publication date 1918)
  181. Our day in the light of prophecy and providence by William Ambrose Spicer [1866- ] (Publication date 1921)
  182. Daniel’s Predictions By W. Edmund Filmer (1979)
  183. Revelation And Daniel Illustrated by Graeme Hotter (2006)
  184. Multiple Fulfilments of Bible Prophecy by Matthew Verschuur, Craig Savige (Publication date 2014)
  185. Origins And Antecedents Of Joachim Of Fiore’s (1135-1202) Historical-Continuous Method Of Prophetic Interpretation, Dojcin Zivadinovic, Andrews University (2018)

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